#1California Chick :


Congratulations on your baby news!!! Keep us posted on whether it is a boy or girl!!!


Add my congratulations too!!! This is exciting news!
Thanks!! And, no, we're not going to find out what we're having - we want it to be a surprise! We'll see if we hold out the whole time, but that's how I feel right now. :) We had our ultrasound on Monday and from that they're saying January 31st or February 1st, so no major change in the due date. It was amazing to get to see the little heartbeat! Mike is all excited for me to finish up all the quilts I'm making for everyone else so I can start on the one for us! I bought some fabric a while back that has a farm scene and little kids playing with toy farmall tractors and he wants me to use that. It should fit since the nursery stuff I bought is all farm themed. :) I just hope I get it done in time. lol. Right now I'm trying to finish my nephew's quilt before he comes home from the hospital (he was born 6 weeks early, but is doing awesome!!). Then I am going to get started on a quilt for a young woman I've known for years, Roselyn. She's only 23 and she has a form of cancer (THIS TIME... not her first time around with cancer either) that is inoperable and can't be treated with chemo or radiation. They're going to try some experimental treatments. It's such a heartbreaking situation. She's always been a super bright and cheerful person and she is trying to stay positive, but it's tough. They made her a facebook group for words of encouragement and support and it has over 600 members and the page has only been up less than a week. I have been getting people who know her to sign 3 1/2" squares (I already had a bunch left from when we did them from our wedding) and leave her some encouraging words. Once I'm done collecting blocks from everyone, I want to make her a quilt so she can wrap up in the love of all of us. At first Mike was mad that I put another quilt in front of our baby's quilt, but after visiting with Roselyn and her mom and learning the situation he is being supportive now. Heck, in high school he had a crush on her! lol. I told him I didn't blame him. So, anyway, that is the next project. I think it is one quilt that will have extra love and prayers quilted in... along with many tears.
Thank you! I really appreciate the prayers for Roselyn. Her mom is super excited about me doing this quilt, so that makes it even more fun for me to work on it.

My nephew came home from the hospital today so I didn't manage to get his quilt done before he came home, but I will have it finished when I come back from vacation in 2 weeks... he'll have it before his actual due date at least.
Can't ask for more than that. Glad he is coming home and praying he will enjoy his quilt for many years I sure hope he wears it out as that is the sign of a well loved wubby.
I'm very proud of my little boy. He made this quilt in his 2nd grade class. His teacher's aide helped each child with the squares teaching them a variety of techniques. The kids did all the work themselves. The aide said that my son took longer than the other kids with his embroidery. He told me, "Mom, I want to do it right!" . . . boy, sounds like me!! I pieced and quilted it.

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