Cackle Hatchery Shipping?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
Southwest WI
Hello, My order from Cackle was scheduled to ship today and i thought i would get an email saying it shipped. Do they usually notify you when they ship?
I also ordered from Cackle, you are supposed to receive and e-mail confirming your order and a few days later you should receive an e-mail with the shipping date. I did not receive one on the day they were shipped, so i called them the next day and received phone confirmation.
I got my chicks from Cackle yesterday. I ordered them on the phone 5 weeks ago, they told me the shipping date right then on the phone. I asked them if I would get a e-mail reminder/shipping confirmation but they told me no. They shipped on Monday and arrived Tuesday, all happy and healthy and they are doing great !!!!!!!
I ordered from them on Monday some chicks and some turkeys, I got nervous after I read all the negative posts about them. I am going to give them a shot tho.
Hope you like your birds
You'd do well to take a chance with Cackle. Ordered from there myself, no problems. Pay attention to your ship date and there should be no problem. If however there is a problem they will contact you and let you know about it. I have been real happy with Cackle. I have ordered from them before, 12-13 years ago in fact. They have always come through for me.
You will always see negitive things about all the hatcheries.
you read negative posts about them? thats really strange. cackle is one of your more reliable and trustworthy hatcheries, with excellent quality. i find it really surprising that anyone would have a truly negative experience. many times people feel negatively about a purchase if their post office makes a mistake, and looses a box of chicks or something. when the post office or your po hub looses or misplaces or delays a delivery of birds, it just isnt the hatcheries foult, they ship on the date promised, they hold up their end of the bargain, its the po often times that drops the ball.
now , the only thing i can think negative is it used to be hard to get ahold of them on the phone for 1 season, this was because they had a sudden explosion in orders, they really just totally took off in sales and orders and advertising! so , obviously since they were a pretty small operation , there was a long hold time and some busy signals as they installed more phone lines and hired and trained more emplyees. but this is a good thing! their service and quality is wonderful! i actually only order from cackle now. so i was really surprised to hear about negative posts, and i personally have not really seen any bad posts about cackle. weird.but youll love the birds you get!
I clerked yesterday for an APA/ABA judge. I mentioned we had ordered some Buff Orpington Bantams from Cackle. (They arrived this Friday morning). He said that the quality is real good on Cackle Buff Orpington Bantams that he has seen. In the 1980's I had Cackle Hatchery's Buff Orpington Bantams. Was unbeatable accept by two birds. It was an APA National in Shawnee Oklahoma. The winner was J. Ralph Brazelton, one of the creators of the Buff Orpington Bantam. I bought the Reserve Breed bird. Am now getting started again, from scratch. may add some other lines later. But started with Cackle's.
It is good to see the hatchery review section getting some more input. I ordered from Cackle and was very pleased. If you look through this list, you will see that most hatcheries get a good rating from almost everyone and almost all have some people that did not have a good experience. If you ship over 100,000 chicks a week, you will occasionally have problems, but many of the complaints sound like it was not the hatchery's fault. For example someone said they would not order in February again because they think their problem was weather related during shipping or maybe when some chicks went outside from the brooder, they picked up a disease that is not the hatchery's fault. It is often hard to determine exactly what did happen. A few years ago, one of the big hatcheries (not Cackle) shipped diseased chicks. It is very rare and they corrected the problem, but problems can occur. No hatchery will stay in business long if they consistently give poor service.
I clerked yesterday for an APA/ABA judge. I mentioned we had ordered some Buff Orpington Bantams from Cackle. (They arrived this Friday morning). He said that the quality is real good on Cackle Buff Orpington Bantams that he has seen. In the 1980's I had Cackle Hatchery's Buff Orpington Bantams. Was unbeatable accept by two birds. It was an APA National in Shawnee Oklahoma. The winner was J. Ralph Brazelton, one of the creators of the Buff Orpington Bantam. I bought the Reserve Breed bird. Am now getting started again, from scratch. may add some other lines later. But started with Cackle's.

im so glad to hear this. i have beaten ths subject into the ground, i normally dont even bring it up anymore. but so so so many people get upset because they truly believe all hatchery birds are garbage, that they will not come anywhere near the breed standards. and i have some beautiful buff orpingtons from cackle, and although i keep for egg and meat purposes, there are a few of them that look just perfect! and i think if i worked on it i could breed out some really great birds. but you have to be careful on here because there are some who will get very upset if you insinuate that your hatchery originated birds could be anything more than ok birds that lay eggs and vaugely resemble a specific breed. so thanks for posting!

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