Calgary, Alberta, Canada: now legalized


Jul 10, 2021
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The good news: Calgary has passed a bylaw to allow people to keep backyard chickens.

The requirements... well...

* maximum of 100 licenses for a city of 1.33 million people; if there's more than 100 applications, there will be a lottery

* a pre-application enquiry file number from the Planning and Development department

* completed a training course from one of two approved vendors

* a Premise Identification number from the Government of Alberta

* plan to own at least two but not more than four hens

* hens cannot be younger than 16 weeks

* a site plan for the intended coop and run

* proof of property ownership

* contact information for a rehoming scenario

* contact information for a livestock veterinarian

* a signed declaration to adhere to generally accepted good hen keeping practices

* the coop must have appropriate hen enrichments

* following site plan application, you will be contacted so that a peace officer can conduct a site inspection for application approval

* must not slaughter a hen or a pigeon within city limits

So that's been kind of exciting so far. Applications open on March 21 and run until April 18, so then I'll hopefully know if I met the requirements and/or was a winner in the lottery.
Some of these are great rules, some are a little, strange? Did they base it on any other local rules? Yikes. The rules in Toronto are far less restrictive than this, and many other parts of small towns/cities within a few hours of Toronto as well. I hope Calgary is accepting feedback, or is this a pilot program or?
I would be interested in an update, hopefully you were able to get your chickens. I live just west of Calgary with my flock.

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