Calico Cochin Thread

Wow! I have a grown black copper maran and an aracauna and they tend to run under the lemon tree when they see them! I had ducks a few years ago and hawks came and carried off the babies....don't want to experience that again!
From my understanding, the Mille Fleur D'Uccles were used to introduce the color pattern. They come in bantam size only, so that would explain why calico cochins only come in bantam size. Someone would have to breed a calico cochin rooster or mille rooster to standard size cochin hens in order to breed the color up to size and work it in.
actually what's required is the Columbian gene, and mottling... that's how the cochins evolved.
Everyone having hawk issues might want to consider giving crow decoys a try. They are natural enemies of hawks and will harass them regardless of the time of year if given the opportunity.
lol I don't worry about the crow decoys, I've got a... a murder of crows? think that's what they call it. LOL anyways a breeding colony not far up the hill from my house. but boy do they make a racket when they see a hawk. it's usually when they're nesting the hawks come around, I guess because they don't want to draw attention to the nesting sites.
I didnt mean to sound harsh, I guess Im a little aggravated. The seller should have told us they were bantams. I love all sizes of chickens, I just cant have small ones because of hawks. These babies are so gentle and sweet too. I hate to have to sell them, but I will to protect them.
I didnt mean to sound like I thought you were harsh lol! Just pointing out sometimes things dont work out and you dont have to be stuck... Yes you should have been told they were bantams. I have had my share that didnt work out for one reason or another. It is always a relief to correct those things.

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