Calico Cochin Thread

I have two pair of Calico Cochins. They have just started to lay. I currently have them in with some other breeds, so it is time to get them into their own pen. I hope to eventually have chicks or eggs for sale. I am just south of Ft Worth, TX.

I can not post pics right now because my BYC membership is too new and I have not posted enough times yet. Sorry.

I have a couple young pullets and a couple young Roosters!




Yes, they are just incorrectly marked Milles, just like the Tolbunt Polish. It's OK if that's what people like, but they should be honest with themselves about what it is they really have, especially if they are going to try to learn how to breed the variety.

These little guys are the beginning of my calico flock. I have plenty of other colors in bantam cochins,
so I'm not promoting these as a "variety", but I certainly think they are nice to look at!:)
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HI! I would like to breed for my own line of calico cochins! I have mille Fluers, but no calico cochins. how do i go about creating my own line without having a calico already!
lets say I breed a Mille Roo to a White Cochin hen, the breed back the chick to one of the parents to get the mottling! would that work? to start anyway, then go from there? just curious!
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Breeding in a bantam white Cochin won't help as they are recessive. You will just get dark Mille Fleurs unless you can find a dominant white breeder.
Breed in your lightest yellow Mille Fleurs and you will be able to work your way toward calicos and you can use a hysterical Mottled to help the cause. But be patient because it will take you a while. And I do mean a long while! this is not a project for 2 years. And don;t forget to keep the type there as you work on color.
Most of the chicks shown on this thread will grow up darker than what they look like as kids. After the first mature molt the roos will be much darker. The hens may stay light or even get lighter but roos darken.
Do not consider yourself to have calicos unless they are over a year old and look calico.

This was a true working calico roo that I could have used. He was pure MF breeding but a fluke. Unfortunately, he did not develop a socket on his pelvis and was lame so I put him down.

There are many great starts to the calicos out there but beware if you buy them as chicks since you may get some off colored or just bad patterned MFC as they mature. And if you buy eggs make sure the parents you see are over a year old in photos or person before you decide they are calicos.

I look forward to watching this thread and see what everyone has or produces.
Please excuse the dirty feet, it's FINALLY sunny here today so he's been playing in the mud lol

"Kelloggs" 4.5 month old cockerel

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