Calico Cochin Thread

OMG, how adorable! You have some really nice kids there.

Thanks! I decided to just hatch out a few from each hen to see what I get. I added a couple of darker hens a few weeks ago, anxiously waiting for those chicks to hatch. Next week I am going to put my black mottled roo in with my lighter girls and see what I get there too. By springtime I should have quite a flock!
Very pretty!
I don't have many that are in my program. Most of my breeding pens are full of the MFC project and the few calicos I have all work in one way or another in some of those pens so I seldom produce more calicos. I love them and want more of them but right now 7 (working on setting up #8) breeding pens of MFC are keeping me busy. I just haven't the time to care for 2 calico pens right now.

My buff Mottled project got put on hold, too as I found how well they can produce with some of my MFCs. If I had more time and energy, not to mention money, then I could certainly get all these breeding pens going. Space is not an issue here but there is only so much of me to go around. Unfortunately, kids now a days do not want to apprentice to learn more and I can't afford to pay anyone to help out.

7 breeding pens of MFCs! - Oh, I'm jealous. I'm selling my Barred pair, I like them but need more room for MFCs and Self-Blues.

They may look Calico but knowing what their parents look like I know that this white will be gone when they mature.
My Belvedere looked a lot more white when he was a youngster and now shows none of the white he so strongly exhibited. This a a photo taken 2 days ago..

Two months ago.

This is Belvedere as a kid last summer. I didn't think of him as a calico but he did lose a lot of his white.


They may look Calico but knowing what their parents look like I know that this white will be gone when they mature.
My Belvedere looked a lot more white when he was a youngster and now shows none of the white he so strongly exhibited. This a a photo taken 2 days ago..

Two months ago.

This is Belvedere as a kid last summer. I didn't think of him as a calico but he did lose a lot of his white.

I LOVE Mr Belevedere!! Good info too, knowing how much darker my Calicos can get~
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I wasn't sure whether I wanted to keep him or not. He is okay but not as typy as I like my roos. He is in my 3rd string for MF but one of the few I have for the calico project. I think he has too much black to do my calico project much good but I will cross him with my buff Mottleds and see what I get. I had thought to cross him with my typy white girl, too and see what I get.
Sometimes I have more fun experimenting than working to actually create what I am supposed to!

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