Calico Cochin Thread

Thanks guys... I got lucky with pretty chicks out of my eggs, even if all four that hatched are cockerels :p and it seems like their coloring changes a little bit every day. I love it.
They make me happy.
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I put a log in my grow out pen so I could go in there and sit down... They hop up on my legs and on my shoulders too and I just eat it up! Glad I'm not alone
I put a log in my grow out pen so I could go in there and sit down... They hop up on my legs and on my shoulders too and I just eat it up! Glad I'm not alone
Isn't that just the best? I love being pounced upon by fluffy little cochins-in-training.
Back in the begining of this thread I posted a picture of Hop-Sing. He is the rooster in my avatar. Last week we lost him and a buff cochin to raccoons. He has fathered lots of babies but none close to him. I have the last of his eggs in the incubator right now. I am hoping I get one as pretty as he was. I know there will never be another like he was. He was my school rooster. When the area schools wanted me to bring in chickens to show the kids, he was always the rooster I would bring. He was so good with the kids. He would let them hold him and perch on their arm for pictures. I got eggs from an egg swap on here and out of 8 eggs that I recieved 3 hatched. The only one I have left is Mei-Ling the only girl out of the three. She was in the coop that was breeched and survived. I guess she hid. Wish me luck that I get one out of this batch that comes even close to him.
Oh Sheila I'm so sorry... how terrible. I'd give you one of mine if you lived closer. These four calico cockerels I have are the sweetest chickens I've ever owned, and I've had some really sweet ones. Hopefully you get a look-alike to pop out of one of his eggs and fill the role of school chicken/backyard beauty

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