Calico Cochin Thread

Thank you for adding this bit. So many people think they have to hatch a certain color to grow up to be certain colors, when in fact, this is not the case.
I, too, have hatched out chicks that look black or black Mottled only to have them mature up to be beautiful MF breeding birds. But when I show photos of them as babies and how they matured people don't want to believe it.

I am glad others are explaining what they hatch and showing photos of how they matured so others can understand how the MF and calico genes can work from chicks to adults.
Believe me, there are folks that have PM'd me that haven't any idea what these chicks are capable of maturing into even when hatched black. It takes testimonials from folks like you all to help everyone understand. I hatch hundreds out every year and yet still get people that don't want to believe me.

Thank you!
This is the first year I have breed Mottles together - a Black roo and a Blue pullet. Do Blues look bBlack when they hatch?. So far I have 15 chicks in various stages of growth, oldest being 3 and 1/2 mo. old. I have only 1 for sure Blue, (a very cute cockerel) and 2 much younger that may be blue. I was under the assumption that Black to Blue produces 50/50 Black and Blue. Of course hatches don't follow the "rules"
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Your blue Mottleds will be blue at hatch. Well, blue and yellow like your blacks have yellow but it will be softer. Or mine are, anyhow.
Now my darker blues are hatched out a soft black/blue color and are often mistaken for blacks until they are beside one and then you can see they are really blue.
I get mainly black Mottleds, I seldom get blues but that also happens in my Marans pen. I have a blue copper over mainly black copper girls but have 2 blue copper girls and I rarely get any splash and seldom get many blue coppers. Of course, everyone wants to buy the blues.
This is the first year I have breed Mottles together - a Black roo and a Blue pullet. Do Blues look bBlack when they hatch?. So far I have 15 chicks in various stages of growth, oldest being 3 and 1/2 mo. old. I have only 1 for sure Blue, (a very cute cockerel) and 2 much younger that may be blue. I was under the assumption that Black to Blue produces 50/50 Black and Blue. Of course hatches don't follow the "rules"
the 50/50 is the probability that each egg will be blue or black. each egg has to pull that probability, it's no the actual ratio that will occur.
You take some great photos of those boys! Those last 2 photos should be framed. They are beautifully taken with handsome subjects.
I agree, Mike!

Here are a couple shots of my lighter colored calicos:
Mabel (super sweet)
Wow. Love her. I think I heard her say she wanted to live in South Dakota!
I have two pair of Calico Cochins. They have just started to lay. I currently have them in with some other breeds, so it is time to get them into their own pen. I hope to eventually have chicks or eggs for sale. I am just south of Ft Worth, TX.

I can not post pics right now because my BYC membership is too new and I have not posted enough times yet.  Sorry.


I am north of u have any calicos for sale?

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