California gray chickens

So why do you think they're barred leghorns?
I know nothing about barred leghorns or California greys. But ive had Barred rocks on and off throughout my life and none of them have ever had thin taller bodies and long tail feathers. Ive also never known them to have white earlobes... so I figured they were something else. I came across this post and figured I'd try to get some knowledge about what I may have. That's why I asked what you thought they may be.
Do you know where she got them?
I agree they don't look like barred rocks but they don't look like leghorns IMO either.
I could see them maybe being CGs or they could be some kinda mixes.
If she got them from a hatchery or a feed store that goes through a hatchery and you can figure out the original source it would be easier to narrow it down.
If it's heterogeneous recessive white it wouldn't even be white.
So ya I think the odds are gonna be much higher then one in a million.
If it's heterogeneous recessive white it wouldn't even be white.
So ya I think the odds are gonna be much higher then one in a million.
Yeah the old father and son James and Horace Dryden were quite the geneticists! They did a really good job on using the Plymouth Barred Rock rooster on the White Leghorn hen. Although I'm sick of the auto seeing genes! I wish they would have used the Dominique rooster because of the Rosecomb for better winter climate environments. I'm just tired of barred chickens, although I understood that they decided to use that for breeding pairs based on trying to defeat Mereks disease, they wanted something with decent egg lay, white egg shell and the auto sex and gene was just a bonus I guess. I've been playing with them you got to be kind of careful in the type of cock you used to make a different breed just because theg ens come out black. You can definitely tell that the white is recessive and black is dominant over it whether it's recessive black or not?

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