California - Northern

I have a question for you guys… 

I've been doing a lot of research recently to try and figure out which type of chickens would be best to get for my situation. I've been getting a lot of conflicting information online.

I'm looking for a bird that is cold hearty, a decent egg layer, and friendly. I guess the importance would be in that order. I definitely want the birds for eggs, but they don't necessary need to be laying like crazy. It really is important that they are cold hardy since the city is so chilly at night. Ideally, they would be friendly as well since we'd like to bring them inside sometimes. :)

Do you guys have any suggestions? So far, it seems my best option would be Buckeyes but they seem to be hard to find.

Buckeye breeders association page has people listed as breeders locally. Mario wanted one for mice control but I read they are bullies to other chickens. I have silkies and some docile girls so I don't need a bully. Of course every girl is different.

I love my marans. The great thing about heritage marans and silkies are the long lay time. Catalina, my lead hen is starting her 4th season. She is still laying about every other day and goes broody twice a year. Her egg is not as dark anymore but it is very big. Bbl time to feed silkies and give them their party.
Buckeye breeders association page has people listed as breeders locally. Mario wanted one for mice control but I read they are bullies to other chickens.

There are two Buckeye breed associations, fyi. Some sort of drama in the past.

I started with hatchery Buckeyes, which didn't impress me all that much. With breeding, they improved, but the Delawares won out for better egg laying and faster development.

My Dorkings are actually better mousers. My Buckeyes weren't particularly interested in catching mice.
I live up in the mountains/foothills so Sacramento to me is basically SoCal. Where the air quality starts to suck :p

Welcome to BYC and the thread. I live in the Placerville area, so lots of us foothill folks on here.

Feedstore or hatchery Ameraucana/Americana/Araucana............will always be Easter Eggers, even if special ordered. Your best bet is to get them from a breeder. Red Sex Link and Production Red are the same thing, a cross breed for egg production. A kind of medium size light red bird. Most of the purebred birds you're looking for can be found from people locally on this forum. You'll end up with a bird that is healthier, friendlier and looks closer to the true type.

I have a question for you guys…

Do you guys have any suggestions? So far, it seems my best option would be Buckeyes but they seem to be hard to find.

Look into Icelandics...................great breed (IMO). But I agree, you don't have to worry about the cold in SF.
Welcome to BYC and the thread. I live in the Placerville area, so lots of us foothill folks on here. Feedstore or hatchery Ameraucana/Americana/Araucana............will always be Easter Eggers, even if special ordered. Your best bet is to get them from a breeder. Red Sex Link and Production Red are the same thing, a cross breed for egg production. A kind of medium size light red bird. Most of the purebred birds you're looking for can be found from people locally on this forum. You'll end up with a bird that is healthier, friendlier and looks closer to the true type. Look into Icelandics...................great breed (IMO). But I agree, you don't have to worry about the cold in SF.
I think buckeye breeders association was the name of the page. Don't know which one it was:) . Just know they had a fair few south bay people and some north bay. Caps if you have and old mouser that is sweet to other chickens but does not lay great anymore think of me! Icelandics get everywhere! Or at least mine do. I think I'm going to sell my girls they are too much trouble to get out of the tree at night. If yo keep them always in a covered run I guess I would be fine. Icelandics don't eat much however. But cream leg bars are also small, autosexing, don't fly quite as well and are more friendly IMO. Of course silkies eat even less and are more friendly. But you want to have access to fertile egg for them to raise they are broodies fiends.
Feedstore or hatchery Ameraucana/Americana/Araucana............will always be Easter Eggers, even if special ordered. Your best bet is to get them from a breeder. Red Sex Link and Production Red are the same thing, a cross breed for egg production. A kind of medium size light red bird. Most of the purebred birds you're looking for can be found from people locally on this forum. You'll end up with a bird that is healthier, friendlier and looks closer to the true type.

I have a question for you guys…

Do you guys have any suggestions? So far, it seems my best option would be Buckeyes but they seem to be hard to find.

Look into Icelandics...................great breed (IMO). But I agree, you don't have to worry about the cold in SF.
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Maybe ask the Sherriff if Sella would be a good choice in the city.

Ok, kind of a joke for those in the know.

Icelandics are a bit precocious for the City? Little escape artists and great flyers I hear.
My Icelandic have been very friendly. I do keep my birds penned, WAY too many predators where I live, including a family of hawks that live year round at the back of my property. Anyway, when I open the pen door to pass out treats, they will hop out, run around my feet and then hop back into the pen for the treats.

And Stella isn't an Icelandic.
Quote: Sorry Deb. I did not intend to make you angry--see the little laughing guy?

First post about Setlla:

Hi, it's me, Stella the Gypsy chicken, part Icelandic, part who-knows-what....

From the description of Icelandics as a breed, I would not keep them in the City. I have very hungry dogs on three sides that would eat any escape artists. That makes me sad because they seem like a breed that I would want. Maybe some day when I get that place in the country....

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