California - Northern

How could you possibly surmise that people were getting ready to start talking about a banned topic?

I thought we were talking about the raising and exhibiting of gamefowl, both totally legal activities and topics.

Here is a link to the rules and infractions:

Talk about games but do not talk about what some people do with them.

That is all that was being done.
Yeah, let's not go off half-cocked here...

<*snort, snort*> I crack myself up sometimes.
Hehe this made me giggle!

that's me, i use the Bar Ale no-soy layer formula, but it's not GMO free -- and yes it has mineral oil, i think that's the one thing someone (Kim? Deb?) pointed out was less desirable about it.

my local feedstore carries organic stuff by Modesto Mills, but only the non-organic Bar Ale -- but i like Bar Ale because (a totally self-serving reason) it comes in a 40# bag instead of 50#, which is easier to carry down the rather uneven path to my coop. and the chicklets seem to like it.

broody/chick update: Eleanor & her two chicks (one i'm already calling Max Jr, since it's the only one of my own mutt eggs that hatched) and Frances & her 6 are all doing wonderfully, but all is not well in Speedy's nest, although i have no idea what's going on -- the scalped chick is still doing okay, although i found it wandering the main run, outside of its enclosure, cheeping loudly -- once i returned it to Speedy, i also noticed a) the icelandic/CL chick looks great, b) one of the icelandic/marans chick is holding one wing oddly, like it's been injured, and generally seems weak, and c) the 4th chick, either an ice/marans cross or the one pure marans, is missing completely. can't find any trace of it anywhere. rather disturbing, but i'm not sure what to do at this point.
Oh no! Could the missing chick be under one of the hens?? I think you need to take them away from their momma.. maybe set up a brooder? Or see if one of the other mom's will take them? I'm sorry to hear all of this and I really hope you find your missing chick!
I find adding the chicks to other chicks of the same age works great.. so long as the chicks are younger than a week old. After that the added chicks don't listen very well to mommy and she gets annoyed with them...

I added mine at night. She just woke up with a bunch more than she expected...

i've been watching them all for a while now, and Speedy doesn't seem aggressive toward the two black chicks, but she also more or less ignores them -- all of her attention goes to her one chipmunk chick, showing it things to eat, etc. and i took one of the black chicks out, to see what she'd do -- no response.

however, both of the other mamas are quite aggressive toward the black chick, trying to peck at it while i held it -- i didn't dare let them get closer. i seem to have a bunch of black-discriminating chickens -- and of course, at least some of the eggs about to hatch with the remaining two broodies will produce black chicks! although at least one of those moms, the australorp, is black herself.

i will try to look after the two black chicks myself, but both are injured -- not sure what chances they have... just feeling very sad about the whole thing.

edit: just saw Megan's post, and no, i can't find the missing chick anywhere -- it's not with the other moms, it's not elsewhere in the coop, nor have a found a killed chick anywhere. it's just vanished (and it too was black).
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I would either try and give them to your calm mom who you gave eggs to after dark or slip them under your next broodies when she start s having chick s. I think maybe it is a space issue.
Tomorrow is day 21 for my Blue Barnevelders! Thank you so much Ron and Happy Chooks for your advice on when to take them out of the turner because of the crazy last minute trip...3 have already pipped today. It's going to be fun either tonight or tomorrow. Can't wait!!
I would either try and give them to your calm mom who you gave eggs to after dark or slip them under your next broodies when she start s having chick s. I think maybe it is a space issue.

they really have a lot of space, i don't think it's that -- but of course now i've discovered that the light bulb for the heatlamp is burnt out, and i can't get another one til tomorrow -- so they'll have to stay with Speedy for now. poor little things.
How could you possibly surmise that people were getting ready to start talking about a banned topic?

I thought we were talking about the raising and exhibiting of gamefowl, both totally legal activities and topics.

Here is a link to the rules and infractions:

Talk about games but do not talk about what some people do with them.

That is all that was being done.
It was starting to be discussed. I think Ron was just offering a friendly reminder. I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, but the post above doesn't sound very nice. I don't think anyone was offended by being cautioned about the rules.
Quote: I have extra 100 watt bulbs and a brooder I could set up if you want to borrow it or bring them down here. I'll pm you my phone number.

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