California - Northern

So, is it normal for a chicken to barf up water? Is that some sort of cooling mechanism or something?
Ummm wow! I have never seen that. I am looking forward to the answer.

Edited to add that it isn't really on the top of my list of "must see" either.
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So, is it normal for a chicken to barf up water? Is that some sort of cooling mechanism or something?
I have seen a chicken vomit and it wasn't good. The chicken was actually sick. UNless it was the next thing...

BUT I have accidentally made ducks, chickens and geese barf. Woops. Pick them up after they have loaded up on water, pushing on the wrong part when you lift. Voila! Instant gut bath. LOL I def have learned to watch that one.
Not sure if the Internet ate my last post. I lost the hatch of debs beautiful eggs. I just can't get a handle on the humidity with this new bator. 1 Cochin and 1 crem legbar hatched. Several pipped. I helped one other cream legbar out of its shrink wrapped shell but even with the vita mix the two cream legbars have gone slumpy. The kids and I are super bummed. Dh is sympathetic even with all the cash I've gone through buying the bator and two sets of eggs.

We have one super feisty lonely bantom Colombian Cochin. He is probably a rooster ;-)

Ahhhhhh! I know I'm not the only one struggling but I do feel like quite the murderrer! Just opened the eggs and most looked completely developed....

Sincerely ,
Utterly defeated...
I'm such a ditz. I miscounted. Duck eggs go for 28 days - for some reason was thinking 21. LOL *smh* They are due next weekend. But my lone goose egg is still due Monday. :) I have some chicken eggs due mid week too (but they are for a friend not for me woot!).
well, crap.
i have a young silkie that due to some unusual circumstances i was having to integrate into the flock by herself. she has been hiding in the feeders and i was leaving her mostly separated but i think one of my boys tried to mate with her and pecked her in the head. i came home to find her this afternoon with sever wryneck. head completely under her chest. still clear eyed moving and making noise and can eat on her own.

i fed her, and gave her vitamin B's. Mario is coming home with E's and Prednisone but i have to give her stuff 4x a day. it looks lie I'm taking a chicken on holiday Saturday....
Not sure if the Internet ate my last post. I lost the hatch of debs beautiful eggs. I just can't get a handle on the humidity with this new bator. 1 Cochin and 1 crem legbar hatched. Several pipped. I helped one other cream legbar out of its shrink wrapped shell but even with the vita mix the two cream legbars have gone slumpy. The kids and I are super bummed. Dh is sympathetic even with all the cash I've gone through buying the bator and two sets of eggs.

We have one super feisty lonely bantom Colombian Cochin. He is probably a rooster ;-)

Ahhhhhh! I know I'm not the only one struggling but I do feel like quite the murderrer! Just opened the eggs and most looked completely developed....

Sincerely ,
Utterly defeated...
So sorry it didn't work. You are not a murderer! Life works in mysterious ways, maybe you should go down to debs and pick up some chicks.
Not sure if the Internet ate my last post. I lost the hatch of debs beautiful eggs. I just can't get a handle on the humidity with this new bator. 1 Cochin and 1 crem legbar hatched. Several pipped. I helped one other cream legbar out of its shrink wrapped shell but even with the vita mix the two cream legbars have gone slumpy. The kids and I are super bummed. Dh is sympathetic even with all the cash I've gone through buying the bator and two sets of eggs.

We have one super feisty lonely bantom Colombian Cochin. He is probably a rooster ;-)

Ahhhhhh! I know I'm not the only one struggling but I do feel like quite the murderrer! Just opened the eggs and most looked completely developed....

Sincerely ,
Utterly defeated...
/hug. i feel you. it seems like boxes are getting shaken more this yer allowing chicks to grow too big to pip due to expanded membranes more and more. (or at lest that is my theory) lush, how was your bosses po thing going / any hope for special treatment of eggs?
Not sure if the Internet ate my last post. I lost the hatch of debs beautiful eggs. I just can't get a handle on the humidity with this new bator. 1 Cochin and 1 crem legbar hatched. Several pipped. I helped one other cream legbar out of its shrink wrapped shell but even with the vita mix the two cream legbars have gone slumpy. The kids and I are super bummed. Dh is sympathetic even with all the cash I've gone through buying the bator and two sets of eggs.

We have one super feisty lonely bantom Colombian Cochin. He is probably a rooster ;-)

Ahhhhhh! I know I'm not the only one struggling but I do feel like quite the murderrer! Just opened the eggs and most looked completely developed....

Sincerely ,
Utterly defeated...

APS PRO Humidity Controller

Sorry to hear about the hatch problems!
Hi all! We've been having health issues over here and this is the first time I've been on in a week! How is everyone? There's over 400 posts to read from the last week. I'm going to try to catch up on all of them before school starts again on Monday. My break just flew by!

The chicks are almost 4 weeks old now. We definitely have 4 basque boys and 7 basque girls! The Pita Pintas we're not too sure about. I think we have 5 boys and 5 girls. Eek! I took some pictures of them today. Their feathers are coming in like crazy!




I hope everyone is well!

Laura - did you ever find that missing chick?? It's been bugging me all week!

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