California - Northern


Thanks!! I've tried both Chrome and Explorer with no luck, and updated both. I've posted over in the help section, and it looks like I'm not the only one that is having this problem.
BYCer shanshan51 in Vacaville has BLRWs and sells eggs. Her website is Die Fly Ranch.

I don't think she does any more -- she decided to focus only on araucanas and SPPRs earlier this year, and sold her other flocks -- that's where my two silver campine pullets came from.
I don't think she does any more -- she decided to focus only on araucanas and SPPRs earlier this year, and sold her other flocks -- that's where my two silver campine pullets came from.
That's too bad if she did. I saw that she posted on the BLRW thread a couple of months ago, so it might not hurt to ask her. She might know someone local or that she sold her's to that has eggs.
That's too bad if she did. I saw that she posted on the BLRW thread a couple of months ago, so it might not hurt to ask her. She might know someone local or that she sold her's to that has eggs.

her website doesn't list them any more, that's all i know for certain. can't hurt to ask!
Glad to see you figured out how to post pictures again - sounds like something got turned off in your Browser maybe? I use Firefox, and have ever since I got my laptop. Explorer just slowed everything down to a crawl - and then exploded every time.. I used to call it Internet Exploded. I have Satellite now and the one Explorer based app I have to use still is way too slow and messes up more than I care for!

Oh - if you want to swap that ugly old rooster
in your first picture for this possible boy but maybe not a boy Silkie - I would be up for a swap. Mine is 7 weeks old.. and still confusing me as to which it will be.. boy - girl -boy - girl.. I just don't know.
I'm still only able to post pictures from my phone. =( I'll try Firefox. "Old" Melvin is only about 6 months old... lol. He's my illegal - night time in the garage- rooster. Beauty must be in the eye of the beholder. I think he is the weirdest looking chicken ever. ;) My hubby, and everyone else thinks he is gorgeous. Do you have Salmon Favorolles? If the time comes that I can't keep him (or the neighbors turn me in) I'll definitely let you know. He's pretty quiet, and so good to the hens and the chicks, so I would feel bad eating him.
Nope, no Salmon Faverolles - but I really like fluffy faces.. just something about them. I have had EEs forever and recently bought AMs (Lav & Splits), and Silkies. SF are on the list as ones I think I would like... someday. The good with the girls and babies is one more reason I like Silkies too. My Silkie coop is my grow-out pen for brooder raised chicks.

P.S. - I was kidding about the ugly - I think he is very handsome! If you want to see weird - go look at Turkens(Naked Necks) and Showgirls.. now THATS wierd! (Sorry Chiqita) There are also some really ugly Cornish out there somewhere.. saw ones that looked like they had diseased legs and faces - ugh!

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