California - Northern

Yes, they get better at ripping up things when the get older.

It is almost time for Pumpkins. I cut a hole in the side of the pumpkin and they will eat the inside of the pumpkin from the hole. Very cool to see.

Laura, I am very excited that you are hatching Duckwing Marans. I can't wait to see them.:fl

That's good to know they like pumpkins. I decided to grow a few this year, and have 20+ on the vine that are already orange, and more coming.
Originally Posted by ronott1

Does anyone have Blue laced red Wyandotte hatching eggs?

A person from my Office is looking for some.

I have some blrw chicks, but no eggs...
He has a Broody that just went broody so hatching eggs is what he wants--unless they are day old chicks next week so that she will break and take care of them.

Thanks though!
According to the looking post I posted there are different forms of cocci . that's why you use 2 different drugs and do the program. So it will not always show up on tests.

My chickens keep my lawn clipped. We feed sprouted wheat but they don't like it too long and verdent just sprouted and green but not full grass.

They would eat 1/2 their diet in sprouted wheat ( fodder) and it really cuts down the feed bill. It has been paiiinful since mario has been too busy to do his fodder buckets.

I didnt get the quote of whi asked but studdibg roosreds does not woek terribly well. Hens take a while to warm up to a rooster plus chickebs can be sick and not show symptoms so a roo that travels would be like a crowing petry dish. If yiu are desperate id do artifical inseninatukn not terribly hard and more reliable.
According to the looking post I posted there are different forms of cocci . that's why you use 2 different drugs and do the program. So it will not always show up on tests.

My chickens keep my lawn clipped. We feed sprouted wheat but they don't like it too long and verdent just sprouted and green but not full grass.

They would eat 1/2 their diet in sprouted wheat ( fodder) and it really cuts down the feed bill. It has been paiiinful since mario has been too busy to do his fodder buckets.

I didnt get the quote of whi asked but studdibg roosreds does not woek terribly well. Hens take a while to warm up to a rooster plus chickebs can be sick and not show symptoms so a roo that travels would be like a crowing petry dish. If yiu are desperate id do artifical inseninatukn not terribly hard and more reliable.
I need a degree to figure this one out. Just fyi I hate my iPhone keypad Typo city and it irritates the heck out of me.
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It is almost time for Pumpkins. I cut a hole in the side of the pumpkin and they will eat the inside of the pumpkin from the hole. Very cool to see.
I just give them a hard downward throw, and they split in half. The chickens go to work from there. Keeps them quite busy for days.

Does anyone have Blue laced red Wyandotte hatching eggs?

A person from my Office is looking for some.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here.................Deb?
Actually - I was able to decipher it by reading it really fast.. mostly the first and last letters are correct.. just ignore the middle ones...

I may just start fodder buckets - I have whole oats and whole barley - would either of those work?

I wouldn't stud out a rooster either - putting a new guy in with girls he is going to have to live with is painful enough sometimes, I couldn't imagine doing a "stud" service with Chickens. Look for fertile eggs of the birds you want - much cleaner and no spread of disease either - like Chiqita almost said... Artificial insemination could carry some bad stuff too...
Hello all I just noticed this thread and I thought I'd check out who's in my neck of the woods.
welcome to the thread.
I'm so excited! I'm getting chickens next summer or spring. I'm going to repaint my room, then start on building my veggie patch and chicken run.

Any of you guys stud roosters?
No but I have some roosters you can have :)
I know where Bangor is! I used to buy hay from the former owner of the feed store.
I know where Bangor is too

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