California - Northern

Yikes that's hot! Hope everyone stays cool. Up here its been almost 80 which is a surprise for us. The sizzle and frizzle serama have become 5he mama's of the grow out coop. At first the sizzle was a horror to everyone to protect the serama. Once she calmed down I could add younger and younger chicks to the pen. No crowing from either yet so
hope they stay girls . Lol

You always send me home with the best packages.

You should come get my midget duck. I'm not sure what do do with..her? Hard to tell legs are small but so is whole
This is her next to the smallest sibling.

No, it is about $20.00 for a concentrate from Amazon.

I ordered some! I'm having mite issues this year too the new jays have some.
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@ronott1 How are you applying Spinosad? Are you using 1% ?
I used the application rate on the instruction card. It is something like a tablespoon per quart for Captain Jacks dead bug brew. It says to mix fresh, so I made up 16 ounces.

The concentrate will last a long time!
Still working on ID of 2 month olds hatched from @chrissyr eggs. Mix of Marans and F3 Oliver Eggers eggs.

I believe the above is a Blue Olive Egger pullet due to the pea comb. But she does not have cheek muffs???

I believe the above is a Black Copper Olive Egger Ro due to the cheek Muffs. But confused over the single comb. Does that mean he only caries Oo Blue egg gene and not OO? I would like to keep him for breeding to get varies shades of green egg laying hens.
Spinosad is a new insect killer. It kills mites and lice better than some of the old ones because there is less resistance to it.

It also keeps working for longer if it is not in direct sunlight. That makes it good for killing mites in the coop.
Thanks for letting me know. I've never heard of it. I'll check it out. Also what are everyone's thoughts on what is happening with the avian bird flu? I just read yesterday about that huge poultry company that has to put down all of its 4 million chickens and they are still deciding how they can safely dispose of such a large quantity of bodies. I'm sure this will have an enormous impact on the poultry market and that prices are going to rise from egg & chick buying to the market prices.

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