California - Northern

accuweather says woodland will be 98 today and 104 tomorrow.

Time to turn the auto timer on for the mister system!
ARGH! A second hen is now haunting the nest boxes.No. NO. NO!

On a happier note, I know people were looking for brown fertile eggs. Farmer Joe's on Fruitvale (just off the 580 Fruitvale exit) in Oakland has them.

I hatched some chicks from these eggs. The eggs are large and brown and the chicks come out yellow. Kern
Did anyone see this message? It was posted on the CA whole state thread and on FB poultry 530 group. Scary! :(

"Just forwarding a message here. If there's a better thread for this, please feel free to pass it on. Thanks all!

I am trying to help CDFA locate a person in California who received a shipment of quail hatching eggs recently from a hatchery in Iowa that has been found to have high path avian influenza as of June 4. About 10 shipments were sent into California and CDFA needs to contact these purchasers as the eggs could carry the AI virus.

If any of you know a gentleman named Raul Roque in the Bay Area and have contact information for him, can you please let me know. He ordered about 200 eggs and they were shipped to a mail box company and not a home address.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Monica Della Maggiore

California Poultry Federation

California Poultry Health Board/NPIP

4640 Spyres Way, Suite 4

Modesto, CA 95356

(209) 576-635
Argh.... I can only do what I can do, turn brooder lights off at dawn, erected a roof 3ft above my entire brood set up, constant supply of fresh water even removed floor boards and shavings (wire mesh bottom) for better air circulation and I still lost my one blue Sumatra chick and far to many of my swap chicks and chicks I purchased =( Dang heat wave.
On a lighter note the chicks from my flock seem to be heat resistant and the pita pinta chicks are doing well =) oh and I am so glad I filled the pond last week the ducklings and goslings are in it all day (with duck naps in the shade of the orchard in between of course)

Well, I thought I escaped the heat dead loss but no - my chocolate orpington & blue ArkBlue were dead in the run this morning. Bummer.
They are both around a year old. Everyone else is just fine.
Oh - except for my polish chicks. In one day they go from fine to puffed & droopy & sleepy. I'm assuming coccidiosis so I'm treating with Corid but I've lost 3 of 9. :(
Maybe the heat tipped them over the edge. I've taken 1 to Davis to confirm.
I have 2 more iffy ones but the rest are still acting normal.

All my recent deaths prompts me to do a full coop & run cleaning, sanitizing, & treatment.
I am so sore - it took me all day.
I powerwashed inside & out plus all the cages. Man, there was a lot of dust & cobwebs.
My girls were very grumpy being locked out of the coop. I had a waiting line similar to what you see at a concert when I let them back in.
All nest boxes occupied quickly, then here comes the 2nd round, then the 3rd round . . . woebetide the hen that chooses to linger.

I sprayed everywhere with Permectrin & coated with poultry dust, new bedding & nesting material - it's awesome.
There have been lots of losses posted on the 530 Poultry FB group too...most sounded like from the heat. I jave been lucky so far but we have only been in the upper 90s and I have lots of shade. It is supposed to be over 100 here tomorrow.

Preliminary results already from UC Davis (I took them both yesterday - wow again):

Jean-Luc (French Black Copper Maran): enlarged heart (more often seen in broilers but also common in large breeds) - nothing I could have done
Polish chick: severe coccidiosis

I am SO happy that I listened to my gut & started treating them yesterday afternoon. Hopefully the other 6 will pull through.
We'll see in the morning....

So glad Jean Luc was something you could not have prevented. Most of the Cornish X's have very enlarged hearts when I process small turkey size. I had several that were symptomatic and I processed those first. Most of the rest were not showing any signs though. And good call on starting the Corid. Sounds like you likely saved several of the rest.

Sorry to hear about the heat losses. We hit 109° yesterday, DD told me tonight 1 of the 4 year old quail had died.

I dealt with a possible AI case that the extension sent my way last night. Hope it turns out to be just heat, we are still up in the air about having poultry at the fair.

We had thunder & lighting at 4:16 this morning. It was close enough to rattle our windows and I could fell the bed shaking. The flash was so bright I thought Eric was playing with the light switch. I guess I'm a little twisted, I'm hoping for more tonight!
Wow! That sounds like Redding temperatures. I don't know how people can live where it is routinely that hot in the summer. You don't' usually get that high, do you?

Quote: Yesterday was wonderful by comparison! I had to booster the Coryza vaccines for all of my flock and was so grateful to have the cooler tempertures.

Still working on ID of 2 month olds hatched from @chrissyr eggs. Mix of Marans and F3 Oliver Eggers eggs.

I believe the above is a Blue Olive Egger pullet due to the pea comb. But she does not have cheek muffs???

I have one that looks identical to this...pea comb and all. I got some chicks from a friend and she said one was a U of A Blue so I was assuming it was this one
DO you know what brand? The ones I hatched were Rock Island. 5 of 12 hatched and 3 grew into this

There have been lots of losses posted on the 530 Poultry FB group too...most sounded like from the heat. I jave been lucky so far but we have only been in the upper 90s and I have lots of shade. It is supposed to be over 100 here tomorrow.

So glad Jean Luc was something you could not have prevented. Most of the Cornish X's have very enlarged hearts when I process small turkey size. I had several that were symptomatic and I processed those first. Most of the rest were not showing any signs though. And good call on starting the Corid. Sounds like you likely saved several of the rest.

Wow! That sounds like Redding temperatures. I don't know how people can live where it is routinely that hot in the summer. You don't' usually get that high, do you?

Yesterday was wonderful by comparison! I had to booster the Coryza vaccines for all of my flock and was so grateful to have the cooler tempertures.

I have one that looks identical to this...pea comb and all. I got some chicks from a friend and she said one was a U of A Blue so I was assuming it was this one

DO you know what brand? The ones I hatched were Rock Island. 5 of 12 hatched and 3 grew into this

Where they white eggs? The chickens have some spot on them? They are most likely hy-line white hens and Hy-line brown roosters. The pullets\hens will lay cream to light brown eggs.

Two of the five I have lay a white egg though. They are similar to austra whites.

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