California - Northern

Anyone know where I can find 6 mo- 1 year old Jubilee Orpington pullets/hens? I have a beautiful young rooster about 1 year old, and I would really like to find some ladies for him. I don't mind a day trip within 100 miles or so if that's what it takes. I'm selling a BLack laced red Wyandotte rooster, a BB Langshan Rooster, some barnyard mutts, and some Easter Eggers to add to my "Chicken Math Bank" so I can get a few new birds. Thanks, PJ
Anyone know where I can find 6 mo- 1 year old Jubilee Orpington pullets/hens? I have a beautiful young rooster about 1 year old, and I would really like to find some ladies for him. I don't mind a day trip within 100 miles or so if that's what it takes. I'm selling a BLack laced red Wyandotte rooster, a BB Langshan Rooster, some barnyard mutts, and some Easter Eggers to add to my "Chicken Math Bank" so I can get a few new birds. Thanks, PJ

Try papa poultry in Redding.
I lost a Pita Pinta girl last night. One of my birds had been acting sick for a while. (Puffed up huddled in a corner standing by herself) No other outward signs she was ill except her feathers were not coming back in. She would eat and drink and was excited about treats. She exhibited this behavior late last summer for a little while but seemed to recover. About a month ago saw her like this again but she seemed to recover. Well I noticed the behavior again just after the storm and when I went out to feed she seemed to be having more trouble getting around. So I made up a hospital bed in the garage she ate and drank fairly well but last night as I was changing her bedding I noticed she couldnt stand (she was bone thin) I hadnt noticed how thin she was before. (she was always one of the smaller birds anyway) She seemed to take comfort at being under the warm lamp and being pampered she was alert and eating just weak and worn out. She apparently passed peacfully last night. Her comb was never purple or did she have an discharge or noise in here breathing. She kept passing mostly water from her stool yesterday though (something with all the rain I couldnt notice in the coop). I also noticed late last night that she seemed to have labored breathing. All through it she seemed cheerfully alert and enjoyed the chin scratches and petting she was getting.

I think she had the genetic defect that some Pitas can have is the swollen oviduct because as I was examining her yesterday her abdomen near her butt was swollen even though the rest of her was thin. Im not sure I could have saved her if I had caught her earlier but she seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting on her final day.

Im pretty sure she had not laid an egg since spring last year so while its sad to lose them her long battle is finally over. Im not planning on sending her in. With a small break in the rain expected later today she will get her own fruit tree to lay under.

Sorry to hear that Chris. My Pitas have had reproductive issues as well, one died suddenly and the remaining hen lays shelless eggs every once in a while. She is still around though!
Sorry to hear that Chris. My Pitas have had reproductive issues as well, one died suddenly and the remaining hen lays shelless eggs every once in a while. She is still around though!
Im working on size and hardiness this year so the remaining stock seems very healthy. Sam (my boy) has been a little off though (tail down a little) He seems to be pulling out of it so I hope things are go well with the breeding this spring. I have 2 of his sons as backups, When the weather passes on tuesday Ill be mucking out the pens and getting fresh straw down. This weather has not been good for the birds or the humans.
Sorry to hear that Chris. My Pitas have had reproductive issues as well, one died suddenly and the remaining hen lays shelless eggs every once in a while. She is still around though!

Im working on size and hardiness this year so the remaining stock seems very healthy. Sam (my boy) has been a little off though (tail down a little) He seems to be pulling out of it so I hope things are go well with the breeding this spring. I have 2 of his sons as backups, When the weather passes on tuesday Ill be mucking out the pens and getting fresh straw down. This weather has not been good for the birds or the humans.

I had a hen that layed a couple soft-shell eggs and then died suddenly a couple days later (the heat-related stress at the time didn't help either). The breeder suggested to me to supplement diet with vitamin E oil, calcium carbonate free-will in addition to free-will oyster shell, very very very slight minimal dusting of selenium powder in the feed, chicken vitamins like Rooster Booster or Rooster Booster Multi-Worming vitamins, and chicken probiotics. I was using some of these already as well as Brewer's Yeast powder, organic cooked Brown Rice, Bee Pollen, and children's Poly-Vi-Sol no-iron vitamin drop 1 or 2x/week on the beak for broody, molting, or laying hens but I'm increasing natural selenium-rich foods like chopped spinach, blueberries, etc. It takes a lot of nutrients out of a hen's body producing an egg every day or every other day and those nutrients need replenishing. There just isn't enough nutrients consumed in regular chicken feeds - organic or not - and especially if the hens aren't consuming enough of the layer feed they need. This is just info that was passed on to me from the breeder of my particular hen who layed for 10+ consecutive months without stop and then exhausted herself -- the heatwaves this year didn't help any!
I lost a Pita Pinta girl last night. One of my birds had been acting sick for a while. (Puffed up huddled in a corner standing by herself)  No other outward signs she was ill except her feathers were not coming back in. She would eat and drink and was excited about treats. She exhibited this behavior late last summer for a little while but seemed to recover. About a month ago saw her like this again but she seemed to recover. Well I noticed the behavior again just after the storm and when I went out to feed she seemed to be having more trouble getting around. So I made up a hospital bed in the garage she ate and drank fairly well but last night as I was changing her bedding I noticed she couldnt stand (she was bone thin) I hadnt noticed how thin she was before. (she was always one of the smaller birds anyway) She seemed to take comfort at being under the warm lamp and being pampered she was alert and eating just weak and worn out. She apparently passed peacfully last night. Her comb was never purple or did she have an discharge or noise in here breathing. She kept passing mostly water from her stool yesterday though (something with all the rain I couldnt notice in the coop). I  also noticed late last night that she seemed to have labored breathing. All through it she seemed cheerfully alert and enjoyed the chin scratches and petting she was getting.

I think she had the genetic defect that some Pitas can have is the swollen oviduct because as I was examining her yesterday her abdomen near her butt was swollen even though the rest of her was thin. Im not sure I could have saved her if I had caught her earlier but she seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting on her final day.

Im pretty sure she had not laid an egg since spring last year so while its sad to lose them her long battle is finally over. Im not planning on sending her in.  With a small break in the rain expected later today she will get her own fruit tree to lay under.
I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a girl.
Anyone know where I can find 6 mo- 1 year old Jubilee Orpington pullets/hens? I have a beautiful young rooster about 1 year old, and I would really like to find some ladies for him. I don't mind a day trip within 100 miles or so if that's what it takes. I'm selling a BLack laced red Wyandotte rooster, a BB Langshan Rooster, some barnyard mutts, and some Easter Eggers to add to my "Chicken Math Bank" so I can get a few new birds. Thanks, PJ

I am getting 25 each of: Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Barred Rock, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orpingtons, Golden Sex links, Black Sex Links, and Black Australorps, and 50 Easter Eggers, and 30 turkeys to sell at my store on March 3rd. I will also be hatching some real Wheaten Ameraucanas, and some Olive Eggers. Kern
I am getting 25 each of: Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Barred Rock, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orpingtons, Golden Sex links, Black Sex Links, and Black Australorps, and 50 Easter Eggers, and 30 turkeys to sell at my store on March 3rd. I will also be hatching some real Wheaten Ameraucanas, and some Olive Eggers. Kern
Where are you getting them from?
Belt hatchery in Fresno. Kern
Post pictures when you get them!

I hope to be hatching some UofA Blues and some home made super blue egg layers soon. They will be TJ's hens and a UofA Blue cockerel.

I am also considering adding two cuckoo marans to get more Olive Eggers.

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