California - Northern

He kept them in a separate field--Karen did not care for them. Aaron may have gotten rid of them. He was going to get some Asils from walt to use as guard birds.

I think guard birds are a funny idea!
That's probably why I've never seen them, I was just there on Monday :) They are probably out in the back field with the cattle if he still has them. He did get a gorgeous pair of Shamos. Really nice birds.

Our guineas act as guards around here. Of course, along with intruders/visitors here on the property, they alert us to airplanes, clouds, leaves falling, dog farting etc. They are the noisiest things I have ever been around, but they are cute.
Celticoakfarms is a goose breeder. Really fine birds. She sells both adults that are tame enough for a 4 year old goslings and eggs. There is a decorated egg contest up right now that has Debbie goose eggs as a prize even. Zoo got her ducks from Celtic. And she was one of ians angels for her big goose rescue. ( they had a kaffufful however) Metzer farms may have geese too from that big rescue. Metzer is not a normal hatchery, they are more of a farm that does a lot of hatching. Good people who take good care of their birds.

I will have turkey eggs in spring what type of turkeys did she have? Cranberries and stuffing were born in may or June I do not know when they will start laying. They are calm for royal palms.
Wow this thread explodes with responses it's so hard to keep up. Almost have to be on every hour. That's bad for work productivity
Anyhow doesn't all this rain blow? My birds are all wet. I need to build a better coop when things dry out. Anyhow I'll leave you guys with a lil vid of my bird pen.
Wow this thread explodes with responses it's so hard to keep up. Almost have to be on every hour. That's bad for work productivity
Anyhow doesn't all this rain blow? My birds are all wet. I need to build a better coop when things dry out. Anyhow I'll leave you guys with a lil vid of my bird pen.
Thank you for the videos! You have a little bit of everything in there too!

The rain flooded the roads going to Esparto today. I was gong to attend a candle lighing service there but not tonight!

That guy isn't our water retriever but he does love water! He spent the whole time eat sticks and running through puddles ;) Jody (the brown dog in the photo) is our duck dog. Shes a weim/chocolate lab mix. They are both so tired and full of food tonight :)

The rain stopped about 1 pm and the water receded by a few feet. We are mostly drained except for a few puddles. The ground is just a soggy mess.
and enjoy the time off! I hope you are not teaching an Intersession class?

thanks all for the birthday wishes -- it's an odd birthday to have, the shortest day of the year -- when i was little i thought it literally meant i had *less birthday* than anyone else!

and NO WAY would i ever teach intersession -- the pay is ridiculous, and with our shortened winter break, you literally have zero time off, it goes directly from the last day of finals to the first day of intersession, and again with the start of spring semester.  i'd go insane.  

but not really time off, either -- winter break is my only chance to focus on writing, and i'm trying to get a book project done.  so skipping christmas with my family back east this year, staying home & writing.  maybe i can get the chickens to help!

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