California - Northern

whole thing ( no one is useing the new 2 bar roosting system yet!) If it does not need heat, I can do 2 pieces of the plastic netting. Otherwise the ceramic heat lamp is on the wire screen to avoid meltdowns and oopses.
Looks nice!

My 2 yr old granddaughter is sitting on my lap right now. She keeps saying over and over again, "Bok! Bok! I am a chicken!" and then laughing at herself. It is cute! She just told me, "That is so funny!"
That is adorable! She'll be hooked if she isn't already
No we actually got it from Tractor Supply. Since this is our first time raising we thought we should start out small just in case we didn't like it.....well I can see that I will need a bigger one eventually as I am loving them.
No we actually got it from Tractor Supply. Since this is our first time raising we thought we should start out small just in case we didn't like it.....well I can see that I will need a bigger one eventually as I am loving them.

hahahaha you just shared what most of us experienced in the recent past. Welcome to the thread and welcome to BYC!
That is funny! She sounds like my 2 year old granddaughter who keeps doing things and saying "I am so funny".
They say the "cutest" things! Anyone here old enough to remember the Art Linkletter TV show?
Dang multiquote isn't working.

I thought I was doing bad with 2-3 eggs per day from my flock of 7! I have one down due to a mini molt, and one has not laid in over a week.

They are, however, enjoying lots of pumpkins and squash as treats!

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