California - Northern

I had to go to the Dentist today. I will have to go back for a crown next month too.

My Dental insurance sucks so I have to pay a deductible and 50%. It could be worse though. It would be tough not having any Dental Coverage.

Quote: Me too...Chick pictures always help...

Quote: I don't think it is going to happen here in Butte County. I suspect it hasn't really been thought through very well. There is a lot of risk to pulling away from the entire support structure and going it alone. I also know...having worked in Social Services for the last 12 years....that there are very hight numbers of people in many of the counties considering it that are very dependant on the infrastructure.

Ugh don't y'all hate bad broodies? My Maran hen decided to roost & 2/4 chicks got cold & died. I took the living ones away. & now my two blue orpingtons are taking turns sitting.... What the heck?! sorry about you bebies. Hope the other 2 will be OK...

Quote: Thew are can fit them anywhere......

Quote: So you got your splash?

I'm not sure who is moving into the new 10x10 kennel pen but they had better appreciate it, I'm covered in poison oak and not even close to bird ready yet.
Man...I hate that stuff....

Quote: Me too. But you know....a watched hen never lays...

here are the other 3 chicks







FIFTEEN out of 21 Trader Joe's eggs are developing!! That's 71% of them!

Twelve out of 18 Easter Eggers are developing! With 2 that are too dark to see into. That's 66% or 77% of them.

So if the two that I can't see into aren't developing, that actually means that the TJ's eggs are doing better than the locally bought eggs. Compared to my last hatch, which was 4 TJ's developing out of 1 dozen & 0 hatching...this one is going much better! I am shocked that so many of the TJ's eggs are developing.
That is great!!
FIFTEEN out of 21 Trader Joe's eggs are developing!! That's 71% of them! :th
Twelve out of 18 Easter Eggers are developing! With 2 that are too dark to see into. That's 66% or 77% of them.

So if the two that I can't see into aren't developing, that actually means that the TJ's eggs are doing better than the locally bought eggs. Compared to my last hatch, which was 4 TJ's developing out of 1 dozen & 0 hatching...this one is going much better! I am shocked that so many of the TJ's eggs are developing.

What do you do with store bought egg chicks that you hatch? Can you tell what breed they are?
Interesting week so far. I have been sick since Sunday night after our Father's Day BBQ. Got the chills right after everyone went home. Fever and nausea the next day, things emanating from various body parts ever since along with feeling like I was being stabbed in the belly. I have RA and have been on many different meds over the last 6-7 years since my diagnosis. They had to take take me off the most recent one due to increasing liver enzymes, but instead of going back down, they have continued to go up even 6 weeks after the drug was discontinued. I get to go in for a hepatitis test and liver untrasound first thing in the morning. . I thought people who don't drink or indulge in other vices were not supposed to have liver problems,

Anyway...on the 3rd day of being sick I went out and fed the girls and turned them out into the bigger pen we recently constructed so we could have a backyard back. Everything was fine. About 30 minutes later I am hearing a lot of very loud peeping from a small chick. I go out to see what the ruckus is and one of the two BLRW chicks is fine but the other is not to be seen. I notice Mom is scratching and clucking near a low spot along the back fence and there is a hole under it big enough for chicks. I get a chair and stand up on it to look over the fence. There is the chick standing on the gravel road that runs behind the house peeping it's head of. I try to attract it's attention with some scratch, but it does not see it., Sooooo.... as sick as I am...I get dressed, get in the car, drive around to the end of the dirt road (which is the equivalent of about 5 standard lots) and park. I walked downs the road with my trusty jar of mealworms. I get near the chick and toss a few to it. It sees them and comes over to eat them. I get close and make my move....and miss. There is no way that chicks is trusting me up close again. So I start walking toward it trying to get it cornered. It goes into the Vinca. I spend about 15 minutes following the movement of the plants and peeping an almost have it about 3 times. Meanwhile we are moving close to my backyard. movement in the Vinca and the peeping had stopped. I stood for about 3 minutes waiting and then gave up. I was feeling awful and at that was on it's own. I just couldn't pursue it any further. I get back in the car and come home. Go out in the back yard and there is the little troublemaker pecking away at the ground with Mom and sibling like nothing even happened!!!! It had no appreciation of what I had just put myself Thur to try to rescue it!.

I decide now would be a good time to secure the wholes though so they can't get out again. I go into the pen with some concrete border stones and cover the holes. There are some other questionable spots too so, I head for the gate to go out and get some more stones. Guess what??? I locked myself in the stupid pen!! And guess what one is home to let me out!!. So I tried various places to climb, but just don't have the strength to do that, The pen is only deer netting for now until we get more chicken wire, so I managed to tear a spot looking for a way out. We made the latch too far away from where you can reach thru the net. I finally had to break a small branch off one of the lilacs in the pen and stick it thru the netting and was able to release the latch. We had bought a special safety pull a couple of days before but I didn't get it installed because I got sick. Well....I was still sick but I went out and install it immediately after that!
I don't think it is going to happen here in Butte County. I suspect it hasn't really been thought through very well. There is a lot of risk to pulling away from the entire support structure and going it alone. I also know...having worked in Social Services for the last 12 years....that there are very hight numbers of people in many of the counties considering it that are very dependant on the infrastructure.
I think its mostly to make a point. our infrastructure the way it is set up is why so many are dependent on it and many feel under represented so maybe with such a big movement it will show Sacramento
For me too. There are a couple of others but I haven't seen them in awhile. What breeds do you have?

Nothing significant, just a rag tag group of individuals. EEs, a silkie, cochins, Australorps, RIR, Plymouths, SF, Speckled Sussex and probably a few I am forgetting, and a lot of mutts from last years hatch.

We had a good size group this year with my favorite broody and her "daughter" from last year. I gave a couple away since I don't need more chickens :)

FIFTEEN out of 21 Trader Joe's eggs are developing!! That's 71% of them!

Twelve out of 18 Easter Eggers are developing! With 2 that are too dark to see into. That's 66% or 77% of them.

So if the two that I can't see into aren't developing, that actually means that the TJ's eggs are doing better than the locally bought eggs. Compared to my last hatch, which was 4 TJ's developing out of 1 dozen & 0 hatching...this one is going much better! I am shocked that so many of the TJ's eggs are developing.


Go out in the back yard and there is the little troublemaker pecking away at the ground with Mom and sibling like nothing even happened!!!! It had no appreciation of what I had just put myself Thur to try to rescue it!.

Sounds like quite a little adventure! So sorry you are not well
I don't know if I got my sash...I may have spoken too soon so I am posting pics soon of the alleged splash and the chipmunk who has something funky going on with its eyes.

Nothing significant, just a rag tag group of individuals. EEs, a silkie, cochins, Australorps, RIR, Plymouths, SF, Speckled Sussex and probably a few I am forgetting, and a lot of mutts from last years hatch.

We had a good size group this year with my favorite broody and her "daughter" from last year. I gave a couple away since I don't need more chickens :)

Your rag tag crew looks great. Don't you love the way red and black and white chickens look together against green grass.

I have a mixed flock too and with the broody craziness we have had I keep adding more....bus so far mostly cockerels aka temporary residents.
OK @HappyChooks here are close ups of the chick I assumed was splash. @ronott1 and anyone else what do you think?

The chick below is the last one that hatched and it has something funky going on with its eyes. at first they were both closed like in the pics but then it opened them and they were dull and flat; not at all like the little bright beads it should have had. It was having coordination issues but it was less than 12 hours old so I gave it a pass for awhile and that did improve over the day. It could clearly see somewhat but lags behind the others. I gave it NutriDrench in the am and in the pm.

This morning one of its eyes is a bright little bead...not as open as is normal and the other eye is still flat. Giving more ND in a bit. Mama is super solicitious of it. This is her 3rd clutch and she is a force of broody nature. I hope it pulls through and normalizes. It is way better than it was yesterday.

Has anyone seen this before?

Me too!

I saw a pip this morning! It was a Pita Pinta egg too. More pictures soon I hope!

Was it in one of my eggs
Did you candle them again? Not nagging, just curious :) I have an enormous fluffy Chocolate Rock who I can now safely assume is broody. It has been close to 5 days that she has been on the nest. Pretty sure she can manage a good portion...but I think I will brood the PPs and a couple of Konzas indoors even if there are enough broodies to handle them all. I will be brooding some Marans from laura too so why not?

All 7 of the eggs under my silkie broody are doing great

Perhaps broody mayhem is winding down here. Since the end of March I have had at least one if not 2-4 simultaneous broodies. I love it but it does create some issues. So grateful that it is summer and I am home to be able to work them out.

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