California - Northern

Petrock, we posted at the same time.

:thumbsup    Great minds, you know!  I see that you are planning on going to the show in Modesto.  I am looking forward to seeing you there! 

Yep, hoping to see you as well!

The serama is no longer moving or chirping is whats wprrying me and the bantam is silent and still as well. i dont see any veining could they be stuck?

They could just be resting and gathering their strength for the big event. Or it could be they just aren't meant to hatch.  Even with broodies doing the work they don't al make it always.  If there are issues with the chicks and you help them out you may just be creating more stress for yourself.  If you have one that lingers for a while before it dies I think it will be worse for both of you.  I would just leave them be and let nature take it's course.   I know it can be hard not to help, but it is usually for the best.   If you can't stop yourself, the most I would do at this point is male a tiny hole for air in the big end.  

I agree here, I don't help them hatch. I have in the past and have had to put them down.
They have to make it on their own here.
[@=/u/270622/Honora]@Honora[/@] it's at Modesto junior college in the ACE pavilion entry us due Jan 12 show is Jan 31 - Feb 1. Coop in is Jan 30
[@=/u/307574/KernH]@KernH[/@] woohoo! I am looking forward to it as it is my first PPBA Show.
[@=/u/36374/Happy-Chooks]@Happy Chooks[/@] hopefully you can go. What are you planning to take?
[@=/u/66947/fowlman01]@fowlman01[/@] whoa there Walt! That's quite a load you're taking..
[@=/u/130140/SilkiesForEver]@SilkiesForEver[/@] let's hope you can go.

There's a Pacific poultry breeders association 2015 thread up(; there you can post any birds you will be taking to sell and you can also just chat. Some people like to pre sell birds before taking them.

thanks for the post, what is everyone showing?  
I'm hoping to attend and see some of you in person too.

I'm hoping to bring some barnevelders and a few welsummers to show.
This was the 2014 Pacific poultry breeders association Junior exhibits this past year. Although the junior exhibits looked small, the adult exhibits filled a Cosco sized pavilion. So, bring walking shoes and water!

Here were a few great looking birds we saw being shown in the main pavilion:

White-faced Black Spanish, Looking dapper (I believe that was what he was called.)

Belgian Bearded Du' ucle Mille Fleur.... feeling a little spotty

I was talking to this OEGB, and she ran up and listened carefully. When we walked away, she screamed at me for leaving her. Really would have loved to take her home with us.

I do have some other shots of different breeds from this show if anyone is interested in seeing a certain breed. However, my battery went out by the time we made it over to the Ko Shamo.
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Thanks @PetRock and @HappyChooks I was looking for help online and was afraid it might be a prolapse. You two reassured me! So far the little cutie is doing fine. I just have her isolated, with a stuffed animal and a heat lamp. She burrowed into that stuffed animal and was comforted by it. I just squirted more vetricyn on the sac and it is clearly drying out. It does not look as obviously vascular as it did yesterday. Later today when I offer food and water I will give it another shot of ND but it is getting around beautifully and chirping enthusiastically. I hope I can give her back to Norma but am thinking it may be a better bet to give her to Gracie Belle who is a silkie super broody and is hatching on New Years Day. Any thoughts? @chiqita ? or anyone else

I hope you all had wonderful Christmases if you celebrate it and wonderful Hanukahs if you celebrate that. And if you celebrate neither I hope you enjoyed yourself too! We had fun around here with lots of family, food, gifts and College Basketball. My Gaels beat Santa Clara yesterday and take on the Dons tomorrow.

DH and I spent the 20-22 over in Fort Bragg for my b-day. It has become a tradition. It is so nice to get away and it forces me to get my act together well before Christmas Eve.

So Norma's final count is 3, counting the one in the house. One Yellow with brown smudges, one little penguin....maybe a pure Langshan?? and the one in the house who is black on yellow. I am very happy with the outcome. Norma is happy and we have a manageable number of chicks running around.

My DD who is looking for work in the dog training/handling world had an interview for a company in the city who uses beagles to sniff out bed bugs.
It sounds like it could be interesting. keep a good thought for her please! Thanks.
I had a chick with this condition once. I kept Bag Balm on it and eventually it shriveled, dried up and dropped off.

Good luck with it.
Missed this before! Thanks Chickee! it looks like it is on its way to doing just that. Any memory of how long it might take? Is there something in Bag Balm that makes it good for unabsorbed yolk sacs?
DH and I spent the 20-22 over in Fort Bragg for my b-day. It has become a tradition. It is so nice to get away and it forces me to get my act together well before Christmas Eve.

So Norma's final count is 3, counting the one in the house. One Yellow with brown smudges, one little penguin....maybe a pure Langshan?? and the one in the house who is black on yellow. I am very happy with the outcome. Norma is happy and we have a manageable number of chicks running around.
Happy late birthday!!! That sounds like a fun tradition! We spent the 21-22 in Placerville with my best friend. Unfortunately, I didn't have my act together and spent the 23-24 scrambling to get everything finished for Christmas.

I'm glad that some of the eggs hatched and Norma is happy but wish that the percentage had been higher. I would love to see pics of them! The possible dads are my two black Langshan cocks and my big brick Rhode Island Red. The possible moms are a much more varied group made up of BBS & white Langshan, Pita Pinta/Cream Legbar mixes, Pita Pinta/Langshan mixes, 1 RIR hen, 1 barred rock hen, 1 red production hen. The flock is a combination of our layer flock and our breeders who are on winter vacation. I need to find some time to build another breeding pen or two and get set up for this next year's breeding.

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