California - Northern

Yay! I'm getting pullet eggs from my BCMarans that I got from @One Chick Two . It is the egg in the center at the top of the bunch (12 o'clock position).
Clockwise from the dark spotted BCM egg are a UofA blue, my older very mossy BCM, bantam modern game (I think), & my mystery orpington (pink eggs with white spots)

They are very solid, hefty BCM girls with gorgeous, glossy feathers.
I'm not well-versed in the Marans SOP but I do know these are amazing, healthy, strong birds and would make great additions to anyone's laying flock - even culls like mine.


This is also the one with "whiskers" on her thighs.
They are silvery, hair-thin feathers - very cool.
I'm so happy they are laying such pretty eggs for you Lisa!!! They look very good, and have good, long toplines. Some of ours seem to have a few of those whiskers as well.

The day you wrote this, the sister pullet to your pullets (who I have been waiting patently on laying eggs...not. lol) just laid her first egg, too. Her sister laid for the 1st time also at the same time as well. They bounced from nest to nest until it happened. lol I was lucky enough to catch them in action.

Here she is (I put her on a black background in order to see her better.)

She finally decided on this nestbox, and sis was in the GO position.

She'd just laid the egg, and was SO happy, she smiled. Sis was a grump for a few more minutes.

Here's the prize.

Here's grumpy sis. She's actually a sweet girl who with gentle eyes.
I need help.

I just found my best Cochin bantam hen dead, and my best Breda fowl hen refusing to use her leg. I will be setting traps for the dang coon that keeps raiding my coops, but in the meantime, I really need to know what I should do for the hen's leg. It may be broken, but I'm not sure. I'll check now. I have her inside in a small-ish carrier so she can't move around and injure herself further.
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I need help. 

I just found my best Cochin bantam hen dead, and my best Breda fowl hen refusing to use her leg. I will be setting traps for the dang coon that keeps raiding my coops, but in the meantime, I really need to know what I should do for the hen's leg. It may be broken, but I'm not sure. I'll check now. I have her inside in a small-ish carrier so she can't move around and injure herself further. 

Couldn't hurt to get some heat on her (a heat lamp or warming pad) and some room-temp water with electrolytes. That would help for shock.
I'm so happy they are laying such pretty eggs for you Lisa!!! They look very good, and have good, long toplines. Some of ours seem to have a few of those whiskers as well.
Amazing pics! I love my 2 girls...

Here are more egg pics:

Top (L - R): UofA blue, Easter egger (green)
Bottom: UofA blue, Amelia (olive), French Black Copper Maran

UofA Blue, FBCMaran (new pullet egg!), UofA blue, FBCMaran (new layer)
I need help.

I just found my best Cochin bantam hen dead, and my best Breda fowl hen refusing to use her leg. I will be setting traps for the dang coon that keeps raiding my coops, but in the meantime, I really need to know what I should do for the hen's leg. It may be broken, but I'm not sure. I'll check now. I have her inside in a small-ish carrier so she can't move around and injure herself further.
Look under the feathers on the leg for blood under the skin. That would indicate a break. I've had a cockerel limp from a leg injury (cockerel sparring) for 4 weeks and he healed perfectly. Keep her segregated so she can't use the leg. Other than that, all you can do is wait and see how she does.
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Hey all. I had some really horrible luck with chickens and almost all of my babies died. I probably lost 10-15 or so babies over the last few months. TWO survived. The two that did survive are doing great.
I sent in two chicks for necropsy and the results were pretty inconclusive, but they did say the chicks had a mild case of cocci. Not bad enough to kill them. I was going to treat the two survivors but that was weeks ago and they're still thriving. No symptoms at all. I do have Corid, but do I need to treat the chicks before rehoming them? Not sure if Cocci is contagious or not and if they even have it because they're not showing symptoms.
If I do treat them do I also need to treat the adults? CAN I treat the adult hens? They two boys are living with the adults already so they share the same food/water.
Thanks... :)
Quote: I have her in a box in our living room next to a heater. She doesn't seem to be in shock; she's clucking, drinking water from an eyedropper, and looking around. All the same though I'll make sure things are nice and quiet for her.

Quote: Good to hear. Thanks.

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