California - Northern

Hi to Northern Californians--
My daughter lives in Berkeley now and would like to find someone local with a small flock of organic free-range hens from which to buy eggs. She's vegan but eats my eggs when home because she knows the hens are loved and happy and never mistreated. Anyone in or near Berkeley with such eggs to share?
PM me. I'm in Berkeley about once a month.
What are good shrubs to plant for your chickens to hide under from sun or hawks? I was going to plant butterfly bushes but it seema they are invaasve here and I should look for alternatives. We are in Sonoma, so hot summers and freezy nights in the winter.
I have a brood of January hatch.I have one more that is struggling to hang on. Its hatch was interrupted and I tried to move it under a different hen so it can get out of the shell in peace. Well, I came home a few hours later to find it had been 'kicked' out of the nest and was cold to the touch. I noticed it was still moving so I wrapped it in an old sock and it is now sitting under my shirt. I'm hoping this baby makes it.

Question I have for the community: Assuming this baby makes it, any chance I can tuck it under one of the mamas and fool her into thinking that this is 'one' of hers?
Hey has guys I'm selling 2 black autrolorp roosters for ten dollars each
They are 6 months old
The price is negotiable
I am located in the Santa Cruz area


Please, they are driving my neighbors up the wall
Thank you
They are pretty much the average size of austrolorps so if you were looking for jersey giants than sadly these would not be what you are looking for

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