California white prolapse (maybe)


Aug 8, 2023
We're very new at this. Raised chickens since January. 14 hens and 3 roosters

3 days ago, we found one of our California whites bloody on her backside with a bulge sticking out. We isolated her and kept her in the dark extra time trying to slow down her egg laying. I have read this is what I should do. They said it takes two weeks to show egg production.

Either way, the bleeding seems to have stopped and she's laid two huge green eggs. It's very strange that she is now laying green eggs rather than white. Not sure what to make it this.

She doesn't seem to have lost weight but she is the smallest of our 4 California whites.

She doesn't seem to be in pain but I don't wanna put her back with the others just yet.

Would a warm Epsom salts bath help this chicken out? If like to keep her if I can.
It looks like she might have prolapsed and the others pecked her blood. I would do a lukewarm soak in Epsom salts daily to keep her clean and help heal her skin. Apply plain Neosporin ointment of vaseline to her raw vent area. You could separate her inside a wire dog crate with food and water so that she can be with the other birds. Make sure that her vent has no maggots or flystrike.
Welcome To BYC

Can you please post photos of her, the vent and the eggs?

Does she still have prolapsed tissue? If so, then you will want to keep it cleaned and apply an oil/ointment to the exposed tissue to keep it from drying out.

What do you feed, including treats?

It's always a good idea to give extra calcium when a hen has prolapsed, this can help with retention. You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 at Walmart, CVS, etc., just pop the pill directly into her beak and let her swallow.

Keeping her in the dark can stop production, but it must be total darkness for 16hrs a day.

Well, they're kinda gross but I don't think it's a prolapse. Can anyone help? What do I need to do to help her?

I'm rather certain this is a California white but she lays green eggs. Not sure why.
If she lays green eggs she’s not one. Could be an Easter Egger or a mix. Unless you’re positive she was laying white before?
If she lays green eggs she’s not one. Could be an Easter Egger or a mix. Unless you’re positive she was laying white before?
She was with all the others before. I only have 4 white layers and unless one was occasionally laying 2...

I don't know. Lol! They all cook the same.

Just wanna know what to do about her problem so I can put her back with the other birds.
She was with all the others before. I only have 4 white layers and unless one was occasionally laying 2...

I don't know. Lol! They all cook the same.

Just wanna know what to do about her problem so I can put her back with the other birds.
hmm that’s interesting ! And that makes sense. Unfortunately I’m no help lol although I would suggest giving her a bath and trying to clean that backside up a bit b
It looks like she might have prolapsed and the others pecked her blood. I would do a lukewarm soak in Epsom salts daily to keep her clean and help heal her skin. Apply plain Neosporin ointment of vaseline to her raw vent area. You could separate her inside a wire dog crate with food and water so that she can be with the other birds. Make sure that her vent has no maggots or flystrike.
Thank you, I'll start tomorrow.

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