Call Duck Eggs: Artifical Versus Natural Incubation

OMG! That is so many! LOL. I recieved my eggs from Duckluck and they are in the bator now. 15 of them. Not too sure about them though. Despite her excellent packaging, she really did a great job, I have wiggly air cells. I think the trip was pretty hard on them. I was encouraged to set them anyway, but we'll see. I guess I'll know in a week or so from what I've been hearing. Good luck on your hatching!
Great luck to both of you on the hatching! And Chickboss, I'm eager to see pics of whatever hatches from both the Butters and blacks, but most especially those blacks...if Blackfoot can give some nice babies with Blackjack, she'll be worth everything I paid for her to me. She sure is quite the layer! I am glad that she finally hit it off with Blackjack.
LOL, pics, pics, and more pics if we have any sucess! I will be a pretty proud duckie momma! We hit the 1st 24hr in the incubator, so did my first is going to be a long week, wondering if any start.
Good luck! Got two call duck eggs pipping as we speak.....

I have, 1 pair of whites
1 pair grays
1 pair pastels
2 pairs Black bibbed
Scott, How did incubating the call duck eggs go with the Marsh Roll-X. I've got the same setup here. I am reading that the eggs should be turned on their sides and not sharp end down. How dod you do it and how did it work out for you?

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