Call Ducks Finally Hatched

No problem!!! :) I am trading some call duck eggs for some pilgrim geese eggs. I will collect for you after that and send you some. I've been getting some really cute babies and I don't know whose throwing them out!!![/quote
That is so sweet. I will send you more when my ducks start laying again. Lousy Nevada weather!

:) of course!!! It's the least I can do. You gave me my beautiful spotted baby. She is my pride and joy. Lol let me see if I can find an updated picture....
No problem!!! :) I am trading some call duck eggs for some pilgrim geese eggs. I will collect for you after that and send you some. I've been getting some really cute babies and I don't know whose throwing them out!!![/quote
That is so sweet. I will send you more when my ducks start laying again. Lousy Nevada weather!



I can't wait to see her go through her molt, I really hope she doesn't lose her spots, I will seriously cry.
Awesome on the tolbunts!!! I was going to buy some chicks when Vera picked hers up last weekend, I think I am going to stick to the waterfowl for now though. By the time here start laying maybe I can grab some chicks/eggs from the two of you. Lol.

Can't wait for the calls to hatch. I am overrun with eggs. There's so many eggs in my bator the temp dropped a degree. I had to cover it in towels to get it up to temp, lol. But I think that's why my eggs have been hatching a day late. We will find out anyways. My two call duck eggs that hatched one was grey. You can totally tell the difference. He holds his head close to his body and is SO tiny. The other one kicked out of its shell too early, bled all over everywhere. I put bacitracin on him, gave him vitamins, and I'm leaving him in the bator overnight. He's been really vocal so I'm hoping he'll pull through.

Next up to hatch is I believe the 13th (I'll have to double check) and that's an ancona hatch. I am looking forward to an easy hatch as a kind of break lol. 19th the 4 from you should hatch plus I threw 4 of mine in with them. And I'm too tired to list the rest. Gotta set paint geese eggs tomorrow, then my 18++ call eggs should get here Friday. I really haven't figured out how I'm going to fit them. I may need to break out the Legos again and make some shelves (yes I make shelves in my incubators out of Legos) we will see. Lol

WHOOT enjoy your weekend!!! We've had some allergies/colds going around here with all the rain and pollen in the air, kinda put a stall to our ancona coop. Hoping to pick construction back up next week, should only take a couple days of solid work to finish.

I haven't heard from Vera in a while. Glad she got her little chickies.

I feel the same with all the eggs going now. My next hatch day after these tolbunts and silkies that are hatching now is next Wed the 9th for calls and Fri the 11th for chicks. I got 8 more eggs Monday that went into the bator, 20 more eggs today to go in and 7 more coming tomorrow lol. I guess that even with 3 bators going, I still can't keep 1 empty lol.

Hopefully you figured your hatching late issue out. Crazy how 1 degree can make such a difference.

I'm beyond ready for these chick babies to be out of my bedroom so their coops are getting done this weekend so help me god lol :) I'm over building coops though so these will be my last of the new breeds for a while!!!!


I can't wait to see her go through her molt, I really hope she doesn't lose her spots, I will seriously cry.

She is beautifull! looks alot like Mary! Marys spots are starting to get more pronounced. For now anyway. If I take her outside i should be able to get a good picture. Her favorite place is riding on my shoulder, hard to get a picture that way. She is a silly goose.
Silly momma- any Orpington chick you want from me is free. I hope you have better duck egg luck soon.

Thanks Christal. I would like eggs. Next week I am going to get busy on a chicken house, and seperare enclousure. I will call you when I find my phone. I think it is in the hay barn. Luckily I didn't start unloading the hay yet. lol. :eek:

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