Call Ducks Finally Hatched

Try using a putty that is safe to heat and will harden with heat. There is some putty that someone I know used to fix his swans broken jaw, he just put the putty around the crack... The swan also had the top half of its beak taken off so he puttied that up as well.

Human interesting.
I brought his brother and sister in and he's the most happiest little duck ever. I had to bring them In because they would play In the drinking water and there feathers would be frozen. Omg poor thing they still have baby feathers when I picked them up the just laid right in my hands and they were making chattery noises with therw beaks lol poor poor babies.

It kind of cool because my trouble maker Finally caught up to them as for as size lol
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His bill is a HUGE problem but That reminds me, HES GOT ANOTHER PROBLEM.  As I was checking out his cracked bill which is NOW split. 

He's got this gap on the left side and it connects on the right side.  Very scary because anything could get caught on it and rip it right off.

But his other problem is, HIS BOTTOM JAW TOTALLY SPLIT.  he's got a broken bottom bone.  GRRRRRRR

the only thing keeping me from strangling him is the fact that he's got these AMAZING colors coming in AND he constantly talks to me.  OMG we talk all night long.  I have to tell him OK it's bed time enough talking for one night.  HE'LL STILL TALK.. lol..He's got TWO different sounds when he's talking.

Hes got his gabby sound and then his Happy sound..

I have used superglue on flesh cuts. It wears off in about a week. I am thinking about those fake fingernails. Get one that fits over the top nicely, and glue it over the bill. It would join both sides together. That should hold the split together too.

I read that a bill won't grow back, but it will grow out. I have not seen pictures of your bad boy but it sounds like this idea could work. What do you think?
I have used superglue on flesh cuts. It wears off in about a week. I am thinking about those fake fingernails. Get one that fits over the top nicely, and glue it over the bill. It would join both sides together. That should hold the split together too.

I read that a bill won't grow back, but it will grow out. I have not seen pictures of your bad boy but it sounds like this idea could work. What do you think?
He's got a pretty good slice..

There has got to be some kind of prosthetic material . . . . non toxic . . . just grasping here, would comfrey help? A German study indicated it stimulates healthy cell reproduction.

The Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook suggests contacting raptor rehabilitators or parrot vets to find out about prosthetics. You might be able to get some pro bono help, there . . . .

We once had an offer of free surgery for our cat for an unusual injury.
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Are there any MN call duck people here? My daughter wants to show call ducks for 4H and I'm looking for info.

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