Call Ducks Finally Hatched

Personally I would just want nothing to do with the word itself. Period. But that's just me, so I mentioned it, in case you hadn't thought of it. I certainly wouldn't type it much, or just be careful how you use it. Never know when big brother is watching lol

I don't think that's really how it works...but yeah, Isis is my favorite Egyptian goddess next to Bast, so it sucjs that it's kinda been ruined by association ;;

That's why I named her Isis because that's the goddess of beauty and when she takes a bath she has like Egyptian eye liner and it's so adorable and pretty
Aww thanks
but I don't think I got her early enough she is very skittish and the more time I spend with her the more time it seems she doesn't like me
She likes you just doesn't know you yet.....

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