Call Ducks Finally Hatched

Still trying to find someone that has Calls laying right now! Preferably white, ancona, pied, or magpie! My Winter is patiently awaiting for the arrival of her perfect mate and I would love to hatch him as soon as possible, especially now that we're going to be living in the country limits of Alabama and no longer the city! I'm going to have the mini farm with mini animals that I've always wanted! And, I am more than excited about it! I would love if Winter could give me some babies this spring! Here she is on our farm, please let me know if you have Call eggs now or anytime soon! Thank you :)

AWWE that's GREAT NEWS about moving, WInter is sooo adorable. I wish I had some eggs right, but no one is laying for me..
no full rollers, mostly just stayin around the end, i got a hold of somebodys web page on here that gives good advice... let them sit in the carton til tonight and then ill b incubatin for a few days in the cartons rotatin slightly

for when i lay them on their side after they start devolpin real good i got these foam stickers to stick on each side to help prop them up some, do you think that will help

Sounds like Loose air cells. Loose air cells you want to keep them as still as possible with just a rotate per day. The reason for the Once a day rotation is you don't want them to stick to the side of the shell once that happens, it's pretty much over.. they won't be able to grow..

Sounds like you have it all figured out though..

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