Call Ducks Finally Hatched

Have 6 call eggs suppose to hatch tomorrow, also have 50 eggs split between 2 incubators, so will also candle the 50 eggs, and expect to have enough infertile ones that I can get them all into 1 incubator to make room for the 24 call eggs shipping from Indiana, the 9 pastel eggs shipped from Washington, and the 12 Aylesbury eggs shipping from Ohio, and the 12 Exhibition Rouen eggs shipping from lndiana. Help! I can't stop! :)
Good luck :) sounds like alot of work

Here's my little baby boy a couple days ago, the only one to hatch, he looked blue the first day, but since he dried off he's more black looking, I think he's going to be an interesting color when he feathers out.

Candled my 50 eggs on day 10, only 12 were viable, most infertile and a few, the tiniest smallest eggs had blood rings where it looked like the embryo died after a few days, don't know what would cause that in the smallest eggs.

Put 10 ebay pastel call eggs in the incubator today, plus another 20 of my own to fill it up, and put another add on ebay to sell eggs since I don't have anymore incubator room, I think every day of nice weather and my 1 drake to 1.5 hen ratio, think the fertility should be improving drastically. The 18 eggs I shipped to Pennsylvania arrived without a single broken one, so my first egg packing experience was successful. The purchaser paid for 12 eggs and I shipped 18, so hopefully there will be 12 fertile ones, the eggs were laid after my batch of 50, so fertility should have been better.

Got a call today, my Aylesbury eggs are getting shipped from Indiana tomorrow, very excited about that! :)

None of the several eggs I've candled from my wild type mallard hen have been fertile yet, I think she is to big for the little tiny call drakes to get the deed done, watched some attempted matings to her, but she just walks around giving them piggy back rides, will keep setting them, and hopefully will get some fertile ones.
Oh Mercy I cannot get over how really cute your Winter is, AmandaVirginia. And your little precious 'ling. Then Palmer. I love them.

And duckmeister, your baby fluffer is beyond cute, too.

I really love ducks.
Can I raise 2 female calls with my othe ducks? In thinking about getting two next year. I would've got them this year but they were out so I got 4 other duckling instead. I have
1 magpie
5 pekins
2 rouens
3 khakis
1 mix breed
2 runners
6 Cayuga
And a bunch of mallards who live on our 60 acre pond. So I have a pen that they ducks live in in winter but would calls be ok with them?
Can I raise 2 female calls with my othe ducks? In thinking about getting two next year. I would've got them this year but they were out so I got 4 other duckling instead. I have
1 magpie
5 pekins
2 rouens
3 khakis
1 mix breed
2 runners
6 Cayuga
And a bunch of mallards who live on our 60 acre pond. So I have a pen that they ducks live in in winter but would calls be ok with them?

If you have drakes of those breeds, I definitely would not... drakes would seriously injure and could easily, accidentally kill Call females just trying to breed them...

But even with just ducks, 2 tiny ones with that many big ducks is asking for accidental injuries or possible bullying... a couple of bigs with several smalls is more of an option I feel... jmo though...

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