Call Ducks Finally Hatched

WHAT WHAT WHAT IS THIS? I MOMENTARILY STOPPED BREATHING. The cuteness of this little one really blows me away. He is very special. Just look at his sweet eyed face. And then his little bitty buddy. Thank you, Lori, for these wonderful pictures of pure innocence. We need as much of this as we can get in this scary world.
De ja vu, so this is day 26 of my 6 call eggs, went and bought a brand new Little Giant incubator to use as a hatcher, one with the pre set digital temperature setting. Put them in the new bator on their sides yesterday am, humiditdy raised to about 65%. I alway get this far and tbey die:( so made a hole in the air sack, can see a little duckling moving around in there, so I put him back in the in incubator. Worked a 12 hr sbift today, and another tomorrow, so won't be here to help hatch. Should I make a safe hole in the other 5 eggs? I know from reading this thread that if they internally pip, then I should make a safe hole, but I'm not sure what an internal pip looks like, the one egg I put a hole in is definitely not pipped. Am I getting ahead of the game? Darn I don't want another crop of fully developed but didn't make it call duck eggs.
De ja vu, so this is day 26 of my 6 call eggs, went and bought a brand new Little Giant incubator to use as a hatcher, one with the pre set digital temperature setting. Put them in the new bator on their sides yesterday am, humiditdy raised to about 65%. I alway get this far and tbey die:( so made a hole in the air sack, can see a little duckling moving around in there, so I put him back in the in incubator. Worked a 12 hr sbift today, and another tomorrow, so won't be here to help hatch. Should I make a safe hole in the other 5 eggs? I know from reading this thread that if they internally pip, then I should make a safe hole, but I'm not sure what an internal pip looks like, the one egg I put a hole in is definitely not pipped. Am I getting ahead of the game? Darn I don't want another crop of fully developed but didn't make it call duck eggs.

They don't need a safe hole until they have been internally pipped for at least a day, if not 2... so I think maybe you are jumping the gun a bit... I know it's nerve wracking though, especially when you get so many late losses... it sounds to me like there is still too much fluid in the egg at hatch time...

What bator are you using for incubating? Oh, btw, watch that digital LG for temp spikes, they're notorious for them...

What do you keep the humidity at while incubating? Are you misting or sponging the eggs at all? Are you using a conventional auto turner, a side rolling one, or hand turning?

What do the air cells look like at lockdown? How big are they?

Would like to help you get a handle on the issue, I know how devastating it is to keep trying and losing them...

Here is what an internal pip looks like...

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De ja vu, so this is day 26 of my 6 call eggs, went and bought a brand new Little Giant incubator to use as a hatcher, one with the pre set digital temperature setting. Put them in the new bator on their sides yesterday am, humiditdy raised to about 65%. I alway get this far and tbey die:( so made a hole in the air sack, can see a little duckling moving around in there, so I put him back in the in incubator. Worked a 12 hr sbift today, and another tomorrow, so won't be here to help hatch. Should I make a safe hole in the other 5 eggs? I know from reading this thread that if they internally pip, then I should make a safe hole, but I'm not sure what an internal pip looks like, the one egg I put a hole in is definitely not pipped. Am I getting ahead of the game? Darn I don't want another crop of fully developed but didn't make it call duck eggs.
Safe hole is ONLY needed if they have internally pipped for at least 24 hours. they have about 24 to 48 hours of air in that shell

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