Call Ducks


12 Years
Oct 20, 2007
I Was wondering if you guys can give me some info on raising call ducks? Are call ducks pretty noisy, can they live quitely in a suburban area, and do they make great pets?
I have call ducks. The females are VERY noisy. The males not too bad. If you don't want to breed them and only have a couple for their cuteness you could always just have a couple of males. They make good pets as long as you're not expecting a pet like a cat or dog. I know there are people who hold their ducks, but ducks as a rule don't enjoy being held. Mine are tame and come running, but they don't like to be cuddled or petted.
i have a pair, the female makes a lot of noise if her hubby wanders away. They aren't as noisey as my runners, they actually make a nice pleasant noise when they wander around.

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