Calling all Gluten Free Bakers


Sing Brightly
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Aug 1, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Hello all,
I have noted that there are several peeps on this forum with gluten intolerance. In the interest of not clogging other threads, I thought I'd start a thread for GF baking. There have been a few threads on this in the past, but they've all died.

Feel free to share recipes, tips, and anything else....

Here's a flour recipe to start us off.

500 g sorghum, tapioca, and buckwheat flour

250 g potato starch, millet, and sweet white rice flour

75 g corn starch

2 Tbsp Xanthan gum
Good idea, bet you get a number of routine followers here
Buffalo Chicken

2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts
1/4 c dill pickle juice
1 egg, beaten
1/2 c tapioca flour
1 Tbsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 dash ground cayenne pepper- go very light on this one
1/2 c+ oil for frying

Cut chicken into 1" chunks. Put into plastic bag (I used a loaf pan) and marinate in pickle juice for 1/2 hour.

After 1 hour, drain excess pickle juice off chicken. Mix egg in with chicken, let sit for 5min, and pour off exess.

Stir dry ingredients together in large plastic bag. Add chicken, coat well, and fry.
Farmhouse Seed Bread—GF

This is my main recipe, it is best after it is a few days old. It is very high fiber and healthier than some breads, but not quite as tasty. Good sandwich bread.

(I'm going off memory here, so apologies if instructions are unclear)
1080 grams flour
1 1/2 Tbsp salt
1575 g warm water
3 Tbsp yeast
3 Tbsp sugar
1/2 c oil
3/4 c psyllium husk
1/2 c unground chia

Mix flour and salt. I use a kitchenaid mixer so the flour and salt go in the mixing bowl.

In another bowl, put yeast and sugar in water, stir, and add oil.

Grind the chia seeds and mix with psyllium husk in separate bowl. Add psyllium/chia mix to oil, yeast, and sugar. Stir.

It will be lumpy at this point, and as one kiddo succinctly put it, looks like ogre boogers. Add to flour/salt and mix on "2" with dough hook till combined.

Let rise, punch down, and put in greased loaf pans. (I think it makes around 3-4 loaves) Let rise in warm oven for a bit and cook at 350 for 60-70 min or until it looks done.
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Where can I find tapioca flour! Please help I've been searching for it for about 3 weeks now!
What places have you tried? I'm not too familiar with the stores in Pennsylvania. Walmart should carry it in a gluten free section, whole foods if you have one, fred meyer/kroger stores should carry it, and safeway/carrs should as well. It's usually in the gluten free sections. Bob's red mill is a brand that does a lot of those unique flours.
I'm full of interest! Let's bring it back. I'm cooling a loaf of GF bread out of a bread machine right now. When the timer dings, I'm whacking off a heel, slathering on the butter, and having a feast.
I dont make sandwich bread much since we finally (!) found one we really like that doesn't make either of us ill, but I love to bake everything else!

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