Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Do you cook the rice and barley before feeding it? Is it whole or ground? Thanks
It's uncooked and basically whole. The rice is kinda busted-up (into halves or thirds) simply because that's how we buy it, from a local grower. But the barley is totally whole.
Very serious,

I Put my flock on specific diets before I sold Marans eggs,
And let me tell you those Marans eggs were rust-mahogany color definite level 7-8 on the Marans chart.

I don't know how to post pics on here otherwise I would show you all the eggs from my marans.
and Penedesenca. I use to sell Marans eggs on ebay, If I figure out how to post pics you might recognize
them if you were into the whole Marans craze.
i am getting 2 pair of young Crele Penedesenca tomorrow... and 1 pair of young wheaten... i have the white emp's already... so now i need partridge and black anyone out there selling them???
so are you saying Josh that if i had this "special formula" and gave it to my cuckoo marans, they might lay a totally dark egg like they should be doing. right now, I am giving them laying pellets, and table scraps and bread along with it in the winter for extra warmth to them.
Hatching Penes??? anything special you all have noticed for them?

I locked down 6 eggs on day 18, today is day 21, the Light Brahmas and 2 Seramas hatched, one BCM has pipped, but nothing from the Wellies & Pens! I dropped humidity to 60 this morning after reading Wheaties thread about dry hatching ( ).
Any ideas?

Thank you

(starting rice cooker with barley & rice in a sec!)

Here is a pic of my Penedesencas Eggs, Their egg color varies as you can see in the pic.

I just hatched about
12 or so chicks.
I have 3 hens and 1 Roo left.
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