Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Yes and Yes

I need more land.

So I can build more pens.


Vegas isn't far from where I'm at... I'll ship you some eggs when the time comes, the USPS shouldn't scramble them too bad in such a short trip!

I'm really excited to see how the PeneX works out, I'm kind of tired of everyone using Marans.
One of the initial draws to the PeneX too was the fact that the chicks will have clean shanks, I'm not too big of a fan of feathered legs.
Vegas isn't far from where I'm at... I'll ship you some eggs when the time comes, the USPS shouldn't scramble them too bad in such a short trip!

I'm really excited to see how the PeneX works out, I'm kind of tired of everyone using Marans.
One of the initial draws to the PeneX too was the fact that the chicks will have clean shanks, I'm not too big of a fan of feathered legs.

Yeah, feathered legs don't work so well in our extreme summer heat so I may take you up on that.
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Medical Question,

I let my pair of Creles out inside today and have never had a problem with letting any of my other birds out inside with anything happening to them, after they was out about 2 hours I caught the cockrel and put him back in the tote and the pullet was a little harder to catch, once I got her caught I put her in the tote with the Cockrel, I started doing something else afterwards and looked at my hand and saw blood on my fingernail, so I went back to the tote and started looking them over real good, I pulled the pullet back out of the tote and discovered somehow she had cut the last toe on her foot or I should say the back toe and I don't see the toenail now, so I took her to the sink and ran warm water over the toe and dried the area, I got my Quik Stop out and put that all over the end of the toe and held her for a while to make sure there was no more bleeding, it wasn't alot of blood, I just saw the blood on my fingernail and decided to investigate as they was the only birds I had handled, and it appears to have coagulated, I'll re check it again here in about an hour to make 100 percent for sure, I've just never had this happen with any of my other birds and wanted to know if there is anything else I should do, so thought it best to ask here, since you guys have dealt with these birds the most. They are very quick for sure. Any information would be greatly appreciated, even though I think it's under control, thought it best to ask.

I have birds from eggs of Jerry Poole. My hatching rate for shipped eggs was respectable. Some of my Wheatens are from him. (I have Partridge & Wheatens;I do cross them occasionally with my Marans as well as my Welsummers). My rooster has an incredible king comb and a calm disposition. I have more eggs in my incubator from this source right now as I wanted more stock earlier in the season for my breeding efforts. Some of them are incredibly dark. You can see a Partridge cockerel I hatched from him at the end of this blog entry:
Thanks Elias,

I was just concerned about Staph and Staph Areous infection so thought it best to ask right after it happened how to prevent anything like that form coming into play. Never had a bird do this before.

Phasian, cool blog. The Poultry Pundit. Great name. Thank you for the link to the pics. Are you hatching more as we speak? What is a respectable hatch rate? 50 %? I think I will give the Poole eggs a try. Thank You.
I had blacks from Jerry and was very pleased with them. A friend and I went together and got eggs from him of wheaton and Part, had a good hatch rate, 75%, got no roos, all were hens, but the colors were really off, some where wheatons and some were part, and then some looked like a mixed of the 2 colors. I emailed Jerry about it, but he never replied back, so I wasnt sure what to think of him after that.

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