calling any one from missouri

Got hold of a nice FREE (double) rabbit hutch and replaced all the wire panels in it this weekend. Since we will not be getting rabbits until next weekend, it seemed only logical to put chickens in it. SO we have placed our D'uccle pairs (all from Teddi) in separate cages and plan to incubate the eggs we get out of them this week. I have a cochin that has decided she wants to set so I might let her have a couple eggs. The hens are not too happy about being closed up with the boys but its only for a week. That way I can also get our BB Red eggs since there are the only BB Red roos left in the big house. I guess we will give the bator a second try now that I have the humidity figured out. I will sell all the roos we hatch and keep the hens. Wayyyyy too much crowing goin on round here.

Teddi- good luck at the poultry show. And yes, we kept the Porcelain roo, at least until after the fair in July. He is handsome, just can't have him in with the general population as he wants to fight. Even my hens don't like him.
I guess I should have had a clue after he beat up his other two flock mates after they were gone at the show for a day last fall. He was never mean to me though, just the competition. I hope that hasn't changed. All my roos this week have been really testy, and I've got two pens now with only one rooster each (my youngest 2) and the big pen with 3 roosters and 6 bantam hens, plus my Jersey Giant rooster and 7 large fowl hens. Thankfully one of my d'uccle roosters goes for the Langshans. I really think it's the hormones the last 2 weeks. Hopefully after the show I'll be down to only 2 d'uccle roosters in the big pen with my Jersey Giant boy who is starting to feel his oats too. I've decided that any extra bantam roosters I don't want to sell will go in the crockpot if I'm not too emotionally attached to them. There's not a lot of demand for bantam roosters, but tons of demand for bantam hens. If only it weren't for my tendency to hatch more boys than girls....LOL. I won't hold it against you if you decide to crockpot the handsome brute after the summer 4h shows if he can't get along with the others.
Double the Congrats!

No... the RIR's are not molting... they did that in the fall...

2 of the Polish are, but when I get an egg from them I feel lucky anyway.

My hens always go on strike for a few days when I clean the coop.
I am SO bored today. Can't go out without stepping in a puddle or mud and it is to cold and damp to do anything for long. I have my grand daughter so really can't go outside without her under foot. She has the runny nose from not being dressed right this time of year so I won't let her go outside because I don't want her getting sicker.
I want to go out and build the extension wall on my back pen so that I can get the feather missing girls back into the back pen with the others and then put the three week old chicks down there in the front pen with their red heat lamp. Tired of the dirt in the house as well as the noise.
Want to get into rabbits so need to build some cages since I have found someone in Willard who has bunnies that are 6 months old that I can get fairly cheap. Sure hope getting the rabbits takes care of this mood or funk I have been in lately. Empty nest syndrome a few years late.

Hope everyone's chicks are doing well.
Double the Congrats!

No... the RIR's are not molting... they did that in the fall...

2 of the Polish are, but when I get an egg from them I feel lucky anyway.

My hens always go on strike for a few days when I clean the coop.

How long does the strike last? I don't think that's it either because they quit laying before I cleaned the coop. I cleaned it in hopes they would lay again. Guess I was wrong...

Oh, well!

I am so tierd of this rain too!!! Where is the sun and the 60 - 70 degree weather??

I was wondering about emarble too! Maybe I'll PM him...

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