calling any one from missouri

Xtina; really depends on what part of MO your moving to. I live down close to the beautiful Ozark Mts. [ hills to some; unless you clime them ] Yes we have snakes, some poisonus, most are friendly outher wise, bugs, good and bad and yes; TICKS. But very few if any carry Lyme. Have some of the most beautiful lakes in the U. S. and the friendest people in the world.
Politics are only what you make of it. Is one state better then the other, NOT. We are a great state with options only you can and your family would want to have.
Want to raise chickens? We have some of the best breeders here and will help ya all the way. These guys and gals will help ya through anything.

Come on down and check us out; we're not as redneck as we seem.
Ha! Thanks

I'm not actually afraid of "redneck" having grown up partly in Alabama. I just fear closed-mindedness. I have plenty of redneck friends and family that I love. That, and my husband has forbidden me from ever using the terms redneck and hick, because they make me sound like a bigot. And he's right. I'm pretty sure every city in the world has great people that I would love to meet. I just want to know enough about a place to make my decision. And if the decision is made for me by a school admissions officer, then I want to know what I'm in for.
How are the public schools in Missouri?

How about environmental quality? Are there any horrible toxic spills that I should know about or lead toxicity or anything like that?
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I think my friend is wanting to sell 2 roos they are either ameraucauna or ee I am not sure. I will have them friday and can pm you a pic of them. If you want them I can keep them home and meet up with you on the 19th when I have to go to KC to take DH to the airport.
On Saturdy, April 4 from 1:00 til 4:00 a chicken class is scheduled in the Fayetteville Public Library, put on by the Extension Office. It is aimed at small flock owners and not the big commercial operations. The topics are breeds, housing, and diseases. No advanced registration required so I doubt they will throw you out if you show up.

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