calling any one from missouri



Saturday, July 28, Fordland, MO. Held at Fordland Saddle Club, 1 mile north of town on FF Hwy. No horses. No baked goods by “slice”. Seller’s $5.00- Buyers free. Gates open 5:30 a.m., close 1:30. Concession-Restrooms.
Call (417)259-1285.​

I just found this info and wanted to advertise a little on here for this swap as I will have my niece at the swap with her chickens. She is using them for her FFA project. She will have some straight run chicks (about 6-7 weeks old) and some young roos for sale. All are a barn yard mix. The come from a very nice mixed stock with a RIR roo and a Black Austrolorp roo covering her hens. She has extreamly good luck with egg laying percentages. She has about 50 hens and collects around 45 eggs daily. She hatched everything she will have at the swap in a bator in her room. All the chicks are well socailized as she plays with them daily as does her 2 brothers and sister. Come out and support her with her FFA project by purchasing some of her chicks.
Welcome Moonlite,
I think there's quite a few other chicken people in your corner of the state (at least it seems to me) - I'm in Central MO just outside the city limits of Jefferson City.

I have a ben getting her back feathers pecked out by the others. I think an Austria white started it on this rhode island... Other than pulling her out by herself until she heals ... Any thought? Coop to small? They get out to free range usually, but maybe it started after 3-4 days of not getting out. Thanks

Do you have a rooster? He may be riding her hard and that could be the problem. In anycase they have something called "hen saddles" a Piece of cloth that loops over her wings that gives the back some protection. Maybe look into getting one of those?
We're from missouri.
(we includes Me, and my partner in crime)
We live in a suburb of Saint Louis.
I hesitate to mention where because the laws are a little less than clear about our ability to keep them, (they are classified as "pets" as far as the Code Enforcer is concerned, and we'd like to keep it that way at this time!)
and there is an active group of people trying to get the codes clarified as we speak.

We got our chicks from Cackle on March 15th.
They don't look like chicks anymore!
Hopefully we'll see some eggs soon.

My neighbors have been very accomodating to our new arrivals, one neighbor even lets them scratch in his yard, though we attempt to shoo them away immediately.


We don't have a tractor or paddock system in place yet, but I have plans to build a hoop house this weekend, so they have a more controlled "free range" environment.
Right now we let them out for about 2 hours a day just before dusk to "free range" in our 1/4 acre yard, and they do seem to enjoy it, but they also constantly try to go over the fence!
(guess the grass is greener?)

Anyways, just saying HI.
We're from missouri.
(we includes Me, and my partner in crime)
We live in a suburb of Saint Louis.
I hesitate to mention where because the laws are a little less than clear about our ability to keep them, (they are classified as "pets" as far as the Code Enforcer is concerned, and we'd like to keep it that way at this time!)
and there is an active group of people trying to get the codes clarified as we speak.

We got our chicks from Cackle on March 15th.
They don't look like chicks anymore!
Hopefully we'll see some eggs soon.

My neighbors have been very accomodating to our new arrivals, one neighbor even lets them scratch in his yard, though we attempt to shoo them away immediately.


We don't have a tractor or paddock system in place yet, but I have plans to build a hoop house this weekend, so they have a more controlled "free range" environment.
Right now we let them out for about 2 hours a day just before dusk to "free range" in our 1/4 acre yard, and they do seem to enjoy it, but they also constantly try to go over the fence!
(guess the grass is greener?)

Anyways, just saying HI.

Welcome! I'm in St. Louis too, south county to be more exact. It's great when you have supportive neighbors. I've got a trio of pullets that like to jump the fence into the yard next door, but my neighbor is totally cool with them.
Lebanon here........
Actually from WA state but, 22 years in the Army I been all over, liked Missouri the best so we settled here 2 years ago.

Yeah! That's more central MO. You're still south of me, but at least you "feel" closer. Then again, closer might be dangerous because I'll get in trouble with Chicken Math - this heat has stopped me from buying 3 more EE's because I didn't want them dying in the heat because their quarantine ark didn't allow them to find cooler digs.

Anyway, welcome to the MO thread

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