calling any one from missouri

Hi Eden just wanted to let you she is still hanging in there  and she drank water today so I think that is a good  sign. She also laid an egg this morning could not believe that, Now I am sure she was on a nest when the dog got her, but I have hope she will recover but will take a long time,she walk  a little also I know she is still in pain but every day she gets a little stronger. Sorry took so long to get back to you but find a livestock vet and tell him you want tylan 200 and you will need about 25 dollars worth yes you will have extra but that's ok you should have it in your first aid kit for them anyways and get some small syringes and you will inject 1 cc under the skin not in the breast but at that area its a antibiotic to prevent infection and don't but tylan 50 its a waste of money this antibiotic is great for respitory issues as well 3 cc per gallon of water for 3 days but if they are really sick or have open wounds then injections are the best I promise and if you tell the vet why you want it he will tell you its for cattle and you can't give them 1 cc under the skin but I have 3 blue laced rir and a cream legbar that will tell you different it saved there lifes I promise its the best antibiotics on the market but get it from the vet no appt just call and ask if the have tylon 200 and go pick it up wonder chicken /fowl drug 3 days on week off 3 days on on my word
Sorry wrong quote my nyc is acting crazy i replied to you already this was for the kc or south k.c but peanut call me tomorrow and i will have more time ro talk i hope
Hi Eden just wanted to let you she is still hanging in there  and she drank water today so I think that is a good  sign. She also laid an egg this morning could not believe that, Now I am sure she was on a nest when the dog got her, but I have hope she will recover but will take a long time,she walk  a little also I know she is still in pain but every day she gets a little stronger.
hey ya im south k.c as well and I have a assortment of birds from peafowl to lady amherst pheasants and lots of chickens in between lol I have all young chickens as a matter of fack I got a pullet egg from my marans run yesterday and a beautiful blue egg from my crested cream legbars today now the swedish flowers need to lay and the blue laced red whyndotts and my mille flur d'uclle and everyone will have a spot in my bator lol we got 3 inches of rain today so my peahen who has been sitting tight on 4 eggs since the 8 or so of july got off the nest today thankfully I went out to feed early and snatched them up and but them in the bator only one was in water but she relized her eggs were gone so she bet up her peacock and has honked all day and so I had 4 eggs in the bator from june 227th so I took them out to her after fluffing her nest and putting dry bedding down and she stoped honking and went back to sitting so when or if they hatch im going to sneak them in and pull eggs
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Well I'm just silly. I'm all excited because I stumbled across Jacob's Cave yesterday. It's right down the road from our lake house! I had no idea where it was and now I can't wait for a swap to go check out. My fiance can stay at the house and not give me grief while I'm there! Yay!
No need for him to duck it (pun intended) ... it's not just small animals, everything under the sun there and all mixed together. Besides, you'll need him to carry what you buy....... LOL!
Well I'm just silly. I'm all excited because I stumbled across Jacob's Cave yesterday. It's right down the road from our lake house! I had no idea where it was and now I can't wait for a swap to go check out. My fiance can stay at the house and not give me grief while I'm there! Yay!
No need for him to duck it (pun intended) ... it's not just small animals, everything under the sun there and all mixed together. Besides, you'll need him to carry what you buy....... LOL!
Hey chickendeal give me a call so we can set up a day to bring you your guineas please. more then ready to get them to you thanks peanut
Eden just wanted to let you my guinea is eating think she is going to be ok

EGGcellent! Tough ole bird!
Any one here in mo have any Swedish flower hens I lost 2 last night I don't know if it was from the 3 inches of rain or if it was my roo trying to breed he is crowing and dancing and it was both pullets I lost 1 crested 1 uncrested but I will take chicks strait run 10 or so or pullets if anyone has some extra and peanut please don't forget to call me Wednesday morning early so we can meet in clinton for guineas
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