calling any one from missouri

yeah i already got some sprinkles this morning.. we are predicted 35 degrees that night fingers crossed
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yeah i already got some sprinkles this morning.. we are predicted 35 degrees that night fingers crossed
so far we are looking good. I hope this one moves past us. No rain clouds in sight, a beautiful day and If, IF I hold my breath long enough
I might get my garden tilled for Friday planting. Now stop talking about rain!
so true

potatoes brussells sprouts and other brassicas should already have been in the ground

and as warm as it has been and will be, lettuces and spring greens should be up and growing too
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Does anyone know anything about Littrell Feed and Seed in Thompson Mo?
I found their information on an organics farm list and would like to start buying feed/seed from them for my animals.
thank you =)
DH worked on getting our garden disked so I can get the spring planting in the ground. Lettuce, radishes, spinach and even onions can go in the ground although where we are I will wait until the ground temp comes up a bit more before I plant my onions.

Our garden size doubled from what we had last year and I have lots of pumpkins and squash growing as fast as my chicks are in the windows just waiting for nice weather. A local green house owner told me once that he recommended for people to wait until the first of May to put out their above ground plants as the ground temp just doesn't support growth until then. My tomato plants won't be ready until then anyway but these silly pumpkins and squash are going to have to go out by next week with pop bottle and milk jug covers whether the ground is warm or not.

I've been working on our chicken coop with my patient husband's help and guidance. I've held off taking pictures until I get it finished but I'm quite proud of it. The only money spent has been on a couple of pounds of 16 penny nails. Everything else has been re-purposed from around the farm. It's been.....challenging but I'm down to siding and windows so the end is near and not a day too soon as those little heathen chicks of ours are jumping around their brooder like pop corn in a popper and need more space. I've never seen chicks grow as fast as these are. I'm going to have to put an addition on their box today as they are only about half feathered out and too young at 2.5 weeks to go outside.
DH worked on getting our garden disked so I can get the spring planting in the ground. Lettuce, radishes, spinach and even onions can go in the ground although where we are I will wait until the ground temp comes up a bit more before I plant my onions.

Our garden size doubled from what we had last year and I have lots of pumpkins and squash growing as fast as my chicks are in the windows just waiting for nice weather. A local green house owner told me once that he recommended for people to wait until the first of May to put out their above ground plants as the ground temp just doesn't support growth until then. My tomato plants won't be ready until then anyway but these silly pumpkins and squash are going to have to go out by next week with pop bottle and milk jug covers whether the ground is warm or not.

I've been working on our chicken coop with my patient husband's help and guidance. I've held off taking pictures until I get it finished but I'm quite proud of it. The only money spent has been on a couple of pounds of 16 penny nails. Everything else has been re-purposed from around the farm. It's been.....challenging but I'm down to siding and windows so the end is near and not a day too soon as those little heathen chicks of ours are jumping around their brooder like pop corn in a popper and need more space. I've never seen chicks grow as fast as these are. I'm going to have to put an addition on their box today as they are only about half feathered out and too young at 2.5 weeks to go outside.
I am jealous I wish I could get into the garden but the rain today stopped any hope of tilling this week =(.

Congrats on the healthy chicks, can't wait to see pics of the chicken coop. Being able to scavenge materials is better then buying new. You have to come up with unique ways of making your end products and that keeps us on or toes =)
I hear ya. I was planning on getting out yesterday and doing some raking but ran out of steam. I was just glad to have it dry enough to get the subsoil buster and disc into it.

We love our tractors.

The chicks are simply hysterical to watch. The Welsummers are more feathered out than the BOs and taller but the BOs seem to be heavier for their age than the Welly's. They are starting to get their chicken football games down to the super bowls of keep away and are now making enough noise that the house cats are lined up at the screen door listening. I am amazed at how much food they are eating.

I'll try to get some pictures of them today once I get their addition added to the brooder (I think it's going to be a wire cage that we have on hand). After they outgrow that they are out in the coop for sure.
Sorry for your loss! We had one of our Orpingtons that just sat around all one day and then the next day I went out in the morning to open the coop and she was still just sitting around. Later in the day I went for eggs and she was deader than a doornail (whatever that means!). Everyone else seems just fine. Have no clue what went wrong. Our neighbor said it just happens sometimes.

Sad day indeed!

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