calling any one from missouri

Me too. I very much admire their dedication to family, community and faith but after that, it's a bit of a stretch.

I hate seeing their horses standing out in the sun, tethered to a post in the heat of a summer day and a conservation officer once told me that the Amish were one of the reasons they were having trouble increasing the wild turkey population. When they have a turkey die, they toss it in a ditch instead of responsibly disposing of it where whatever the turkey died of was passed along to the wild turkey population.

I highly suspect that whatever strain of Marek's my flock is suffering from, the local Amish poultry has built up some sort of resistance to it.
We have Amish neighbors, it's a growing far so good on the health of our flock. One man has a Bobcat and plows the road if the snow's too deep, and he has plowed our driveway as well without us asking. They have been good neighbors. Another family has a bulk food store a mile from our house. It's a great resource.

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about these chicks I am going to get from Cackle a week from tomorrow. Wondering, what was I thinking, adding more chickens. :barnie I'm getting 4 but will only keep one male. So it probably won't end up being 4 in the end. I set up my brooder cage in the house and tested my ceramic heat emitter (reptile bulb) in a clamp light fixture. Yes! it kept the area under it around 90+ all night in spite of the temp in that room being only 58º this morning. I have been considering using the mama heating pad method but would have to go buy one w no auto shut off, and it takes up a lot of space for only 4 chicks. I'll just use what I have and save the $.
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Such a pretty day in SEMO yesterday, spent the afternoon cutting rounds and splitting firewood for next year.

I want to get a couple of Cinnamon Queen females from Cackle Hatchery. The minimum order is 3 so I might take a day and drive up there dunno.

we're still trying to gather enuf firewood for the rest of this winter! We've used a DH goes out and finds already dead trees to cut so it's dry wood.
we're still trying to gather enuf firewood for the rest of this winter! We've used a DH goes out and finds already dead trees to cut so it's dry wood.

Yea, I went through a ton of firewood trying to keep my garage/shop and new shop a bit warm. I have about 3,000 square feet in both buildings and this last cold spell I burned 1/2 of my wood I had stored up. I work out of the two shops so I have to keep them sorta warm.

What does DH mean?

Yea, I went through a ton of firewood trying to keep my garage/shop and new shop a bit warm. I have about 3,000 square feet in both buildings and this last cold spell I burned 1/2 of my wood I had stored up. I work out of the two shops so I have to keep them sorta warm.

What does DH mean?

DH = dear husband, DW= dear wife, DD = dear daughter, etc. I don't know if these are just BYC abbreviations, anyway there's a thread listing a multitude of , including all the chicken breeds...
I hear ya about the wood. We heat with wood. Just seems logical with 25 acres of timber around our house to put it to good use. We usually start with about 9 full cords and have a cord left over by spring. So far we have used up about 4 cords. January was just so cold.

I spent the afternoon out until about 3 rigging a tarp for weather in one of the runs. About 2:30 I could feel the temp starting to drop. I was wearing a light weight hoodie and suddenly my hands felt like ice cubes. That really speeds up your work. When I got in, the temp had dropped 5 degrees outside from 42 to 37. By 9 PM it was snowing. Back to winter :hit.

I'd love to order chicks from Cackle but for the number of chicks I want I can't justify paying shipping and it's an all day drive there and back from where we are in Missouri. Last year I picked up a pair of BBR bantam girls at Orscheln's to keep a lone chick company. The lone chick died and the two little girls are now thriving and just little dolls. I want to get a couple of full blooded either OEGB BBR roosters or SDW roosters to add to the crew. My OEGB birds are crossed with Cochin and who knows what. The Amish neighbor that I got the eggs from had been given a Game Bird rooster by somebody who wanted him to breed birds for fighting for him. The neighbor declined, thank goodness but the man let him keep the rooster. He also had a Cochin bantam and you can see the genes in some of my cockerels as they have the Cochin roundness and posture along with feather stubble on their legs. But their coloring is BBR. Very pretty birds. I saw the rooster he had been given one day. Smaller than a standard Game Bird but larger than a bantam. Thinking maybe whoever bred the foundation rooster crossed a standard Game Bird with a black bantam OEGB and got the rooster I saw.

So my goal is to breed them down. The boys all have wonderful personalities. No human aggression, although they do like to lay a hurt on my standard sized roosters whenever they get a chance. I have some nice hens that I've hatched that are about 2 pounds, maybe 3 at the most and the cockerels are around 3 pounds. My BBR pullets are a pound to 1.5 pounds. A little small for my farmyard which is why I want to get a few more small ones to breed with my larger bantams and see what I get in size.

I'll probably just pick up a few chicks at Orschelns and be surprised with their color. Hopefully I won't bring home Silkies. I just need to bring home vaccinated birds.
I hear ya about the wood. We heat with wood. Just seems logical with 25 acres of timber around our house to put it to good use. We usually start with about 9 full cords and have a cord left over by spring. So far we have used up about 4 cords. January was just so cold.

I spent the afternoon out until about 3 rigging a tarp for weather in one of the runs. About 2:30 I could feel the temp starting to drop. I was wearing a light weight hoodie and suddenly my hands felt like ice cubes. That really speeds up your work. When I got in, the temp had dropped 5 degrees outside from 42 to 37. By 9 PM it was snowing. Back to winter :hit.

I'd love to order chicks from Cackle but for the number of chicks I want I can't justify paying shipping and it's an all day drive there and back from where we are in Missouri. Last year I picked up a pair of BBR bantam girls at Orscheln's to keep a lone chick company. The lone chick died and the two little girls are now thriving and just little dolls. I want to get a couple of full blooded either OEGB BBR roosters or SDW roosters to add to the crew. My OEGB birds are crossed with Cochin and who knows what. The Amish neighbor that I got the eggs from had been given a Game Bird rooster by somebody who wanted him to breed birds for fighting for him. The neighbor declined, thank goodness but the man let him keep the rooster. He also had a Cochin bantam and you can see the genes in some of my cockerels as they have the Cochin roundness and posture along with feather stubble on their legs. But their coloring is BBR. Very pretty birds. I saw the rooster he had been given one day. Smaller than a standard Game Bird but larger than a bantam. Thinking maybe whoever bred the foundation rooster crossed a standard Game Bird with a black bantam OEGB and got the rooster I saw.

So my goal is to breed them down. The boys all have wonderful personalities. No human aggression, although they do like to lay a hurt on my standard sized roosters whenever they get a chance. I have some nice hens that I've hatched that are about 2 pounds, maybe 3 at the most and the cockerels are around 3 pounds. My BBR pullets are a pound to 1.5 pounds. A little small for my farmyard which is why I want to get a few more small ones to breed with my larger bantams and see what I get in size.

I'll probably just pick up a few chicks at Orschelns and be surprised with their color. Hopefully I won't bring home Silkies. I just need to bring home vaccinated birds.
What's BBR? I'm gonna hafta find that abbreviations thread again.
Do you reco vaccination? Is it for Marecks? I didn't ask for it, but there's time. Cackle is 2+ hours from here. Quite a drive. But it's on my bucket list, lol. And so far the forecast is for good weather next week.....Speaking of abbreviations, I'm probably going to have to write out appenzeller spitzhauben every single time, no one would know it abbreviated,...and autocorrect wants to call it appeasement sourdough....:lol:. I do make sourdough bread regularly, probably the computer knows this.
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