calling any one from missouri

Hope everyone and their flocks are ok with all these back to back storms. left my girls with 2 waterers and 3 full bowls of pellets. I'm down at Truman lake not too far from Osceola for a granddaughter's graduation. lots storms rolling through yesterday and this am with more on the radar. the creek that you have to drive through to get to DD's house Is flooded the pickups have made it through ok, not sure trust it with my Sorrento
We took a drive to Springfield and stopped by Mt. Vernon on the way back. Estes hatchery did indeed put a giant rooster on that big boat out front! You can see it from I-44 but just barely.
estes (3 of 1).jpg estes boat (3 of 1).jpg
Happy that I was off work today. Those storms early this am at least 4 hours worth and at least 4 inches if not more soaked the inside of the coop. I haven't opened the west facing window so it came through the upper vents with an overhang from the south. Soggy bedding scooped out and the chicks are safe and dry again. Now to coax them back in with a bowl of feed so I can let the pups out.
We didn't get much rain over here and yea I eat eggs every day now that I have way too many on the counter. But there's never a problem finding someone to take the extras. Gotta make more of the pickled eggs this weekend.


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