calling any one from missouri

Last night's storm did minor damage here and knocked out power from one circuit in our house. My DH chased down the electrical problem. Anyway, re the Branson tour boat accident, the owner of the company said, 'The storm just came out of nowhere..." What a bunch of hooey. The storm was well predicted, it was in Kansas before here, and we knew well in advance it was arriving and battened down everything. I can't believe a tour boat company responsible for people's safety wouldn't be monitoring weather.
Last night's storm did minor damage here and knocked out power from one circuit in our house. My DH chased down the electrical problem. Anyway, re the Branson tour boat accident, the owner of the company said, 'The storm just came out of nowhere..." What a bunch of hooey. The storm was well predicted, it was in Kansas before here, and we knew well in advance it was arriving and battened down everything. I can't believe a tour boat company responsible for people's safety wouldn't be monitoring weather.
Just now hearing about this :hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit
What a tragic mistake.
So horrible about the people on that duck boat. They were predicting that area to be hit on the 5:00 news here in KC. From what I saw on the news they are also very lacking in basic nautical safety that they are exempt from for some reason.

First time on here in a bit. My laptop quit and in the process of trying to get it repaired the hard drive self destructed. Was cheaper to buy a new one which I did yesterday. Chickens are doing great. My coop and run still need work, I have a week off coming up and hoping I can get some work done on it, hope the weather co-operates.
I just hope whoever is in charge over there fixes that problem with the DUKW operators. There is no excuse for not knowing about the storm.

Cooler temperatures here and I've got all the fence around the chicken yard hot except for 4' and I'm hitting that today.

I had a ground hog eat my new plants... thought it was one of my pet deer that I feed here so I put a fence around the raised bed planters and planted new plants. I didn't bother with the space under between the planters and happy me grabbed a beer and went to visit with the chickens. Went to toss the empty a while later and dang all my new plants were eaten... took me a few days to catch the bugger but now it has a new zip code!

I had a ground hog...

uuuhgggg, I've been trying to catch one of those since Friday. I had a small one move into my barn/shed that I built my coop onto, and it has been burrowing into to the run, probably after the water. Thought it was going to be an easy catch, but it's been out smarting me so far.

Here is a picture of the little fella' mocking me, looking at the pile of "junk" I stacked on it's burrow, as I was trying to "redirect" it out of the shed originally.


Got a new plan to catch it, so we'll see how that goes, but I might just have to go get some cantaloupe for bait I guess.
Yep the seeds and the innards in a foil cup is what I caught this one on, it ignored the whole cantaloupe and the rinds but the innards got it. I had 4 traps set...


hey thanks for the tip.... I was actually dreading the idea of wasting perfectly good melon... still would rather see the chooks get the innards.... but I guess if it helps catch the "dirt squirrel" it'll be worth it!
I just hope whoever is in charge over there fixes that problem with the DUKW operators. There is no excuse for not knowing about the storm.

Cooler temperatures here and I've got all the fence around the chicken yard hot except for 4' and I'm hitting that today.

I had a ground hog eat my new plants... thought it was one of my pet deer that I feed here so I put a fence around the raised bed planters and planted new plants. I didn't bother with the space under between the planters and happy me grabbed a beer and went to visit with the chickens. Went to toss the empty a while later and dang all my new plants were eaten... took me a few days to catch the bugger but now it has a new zip code!

As long as isn't my zip code :gig

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