Camera for a Novice


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
Locust Grove, VA
Can anyone recommend a decent inexpensive digital camera with a fairly good shutter speed? I know absolutely nothing about cameras, don't need a lot of "bells and whistles" and don't want to spend a lot of money. Thanks to any and all who can help!
Thank you so much 17roses! There are just so many types out there and even after reading consumer reviews, I was still scratching my head! Thank you again! Susan
I have a sony cybershot and it is a good little camera for it's price (under $200). I also like Olympus's UZ cameras. They are a step up from your normal point and shoots but the zoom is incredible. I think I paid between $300 and $400 for that camera.
Thanks Chickerdoodle13! Going to look at the Sony Cybershot and thank you for responding to my post! I knew if I asked on BYC, you would all come to my aide! The Olympus sounds really nice, especially the zoom feature, but to start off I just wanted something cheaper! This will be my holiday gift to myself and at this point, I am pretty broke from spending on everyone else!!!
I would buy from a place with a good return policy! Then if you don't like it you are not stuck with it.

If you are going to take pictures of moving targets, kids-dogs-etc, it is going to be more of a challenge with a cheaper point and shoot style camera. They take a second to focus and in that second the target will have moved. If you focus on a certain place (say on the lawn for an example) and wait for the subject to run in to that spot you might have better luck.

But, I would look for a camera with the best Optical zoom, digital zoom is what you can do after on your computer when you crop the image.

And as always, I would stick with a bigger name in cameras, I have a panasonic-lumix I keep in my purse, it even does video.
Wow - Thanks Carols Clucks for the tips! My desire for a camera really does stem from trying to get a picture of a chicken!! I was trying to take a pic of my silkie the other evening and could not get a good, clear pic to save my life! In large part, it was the camera that we have - which is cheaper than cheap - and in larger part, it is me not knowing how to take a picture! I would like to have a camera and since you use a panasonic, I will look at that one as well as the others that have been recommended by folks. Thank you SO much for the tips and advice!! Susan

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