Can a hen die from being broody? šŸ˜„



Jun 1, 2021
Cambridgeshire, UK šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§
Iā€™m in shock, my Silkie has been broody for around 15 days now. Her eggs were progressing well, she had her own private brooding area/coop, she came out every day to eat food (corn and starter feed), she also drank plenty of water. She looked absolutely fine when I checked her this morning. A couple hours ago I went out to lock her door and check on her again before the night and found her dead. She was cold and stiff. Does anybody have an idea why has this happened?

I feel so terrible, she was my favourite hen. She had gone broody a few times before but I broke her each time, I thought Iā€™d let her do it this time but really regret it now šŸ˜„

Her eggs were cold, Iā€™ve put them in the incubator just in case but Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re gone.
Just want to send hugs and let you know you haven't done anything wrong. Broodiness is natural and some hens go way way longer, either actually sitting on eggs or insisting on sitting after multiple breaking attempts by their owners.

I'm sure someone else can offer insight on determining cause of death, but I'm sure being broody wasn't the reason. Something else was definitely going on.
Just want to send hugs and let you know you haven't done anything wrong. Broodiness is natural and some hens go way way longer, either actually sitting on eggs or insisting on sitting after multiple breaking attempts by their owners.

I'm sure someone else can offer insight on determining cause of death, but I'm sure being broody wasn't the reason. Something else was definitely going on.
Thankyou, Iā€™d love them to hatch just to finish of the job she started, itā€™s such a shame she was so determined as well.
The eggs may still be viable. Did you check her for a mite infestation? Sometimes they build up on a setting hen and weaken her, but it's generally in hens setting far longer than 15 days. Hope that your eggs hatch.
I didnā€™t check her but now youā€™ve said that itā€™s just came to me! When we found her we immediately took the eggs, the person I was with scooped the eggs into her tops pocket and noticed little bugs which looked like mites on her top after. We havenā€™t had chickens too long and assumed they had just came after she died of something. Is this what couldā€™ve killed her? I hope it hasnā€™t effected the eggs.
Iā€™m in shock, my Silkie has been broody for around 15 days now. Her eggs were progressing well, she had her own private brooding area/coop, she came out every day to eat food (corn and starter feed), she also drank plenty of water. She looked absolutely fine when I checked her this morning. A couple hours ago I went out to lock her door and check on her again before the night and found her dead. She was cold and stiff. Does anybody have an idea why has this happened?

I feel so terrible, she was my favourite hen. She had gone broody a few times before but I broke her each time, I thought Iā€™d let her do it this time but really regret it now šŸ˜„

Her eggs were cold, Iā€™ve put them in the incubator just in case but Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re gone.
So sad šŸ˜¢
It doesn't sound like anything to do with being broody, you had her set up well and kept an eye on her eating and drinking.
If no mites then maybe a bite from a spider or something like that? Sometimes it's very hard to identify the cause of a sudden death, hopefully others can give a better insight for you.
I am so sorry! I have had many a broodie hen and tried to break them of broodiness but 15 days isn't a lot! I don't know much about silkies. I have had a few very sweet stupid sex links red stars that lay their eggs like crazy and drop dead young, no hint of broody ever. It. makes me so sad!. I've got roosters. I welcome breeder suggestions.
I didnā€™t check her but now youā€™ve said that itā€™s just came to me! When we found her we immediately took the eggs, the person I was with scooped the eggs into her tops pocket and noticed little bugs which looked like mites on her top after. We havenā€™t had chickens too long and assumed they had just came after she died of something. Is this what couldā€™ve killed her? I hope it hasnā€™t effected the eggs.
Oh no šŸ˜¬ ... To be honest when I first got chickens I didn't know about mites and had a broody that died of an infestation šŸ˜¢ they are certainly little buggers! But now you know you can treat your flock and coop, make sure to regularly treat them too šŸ˜‰

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