Can a Rex rabbit mate with a wild Cottontail?

It would be my guess that a cottontail could mate with a domestic rabbit. They are both rabbits. A jackrabbit would not. They are not rabbits. They are hares. Different species.
Hi! I'm confused about this now.
She wasn't scared or cornered. I'd been petting her (she's always been a friendly bunny) and investigating the tunnels to find if any were real tunnels or just holes and she had gone over and was stretched out by the far coop wall.
When I put my head down to try to look in the one that is the for-real tunnel, she charged over and got IN the tunnel and wouldn't let me past and made growling / threatening noises.
I hate to admit to being intimidated by a bunny...

Here's some info from the University of Mich.

European rabbit rabbit
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Mammalia Order Lagomorpha Family Leporidae Species Oryctolagus cuniculus

cottontail rabbit
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Mammalia Order Lagomorpha Family Leporidae Species Sylvilagus floridanus

The two animals are different species, just like horses and donkeys, or lions and tigers. I've heard of several people in Alabama who have bred cottontails with domestic rabbits.

The behavior of your Rex sounds like a rabbit I had many, many years ago. Most loving rabbit you could imagine, until she had young. She would growl and stomp her feet if you went near her babies, and if you ignored her, she'd bite.

I'm betting in 3 or 4 weeks you'll have baby rabbits running around. I'd suggest putting a fence around the burrow so you can catch the little critters.

There was a study done involving artificial insemination between cottontails and domestic rabbits. The offsoring would all die in utero. They just are not compatible. Its similiar to bobcat domestic hybrids. Its VERY rare, as in 2 known to exist. All others are heresay. Yes, in theory it should be possible but actual dna stdies show its very very difficult.

The supposed cottontail hybrids people breed down south are most likely sanjuan rabbits, a domestic bred to look like a cottontail. Cottontails are very difficult to maintain in captivity and to get them to where they would actually breed in captivity is very unlikely unless they had a habitat, and not a hutch situation set up. That on top of the genetic incompatibility, doubt they are true hybrids.
Lisa .. female rabbits can be b*tches .. really. It's not unusual for a number of my does to growl at me .. I have one that will lunge at me also .. and WILL bite, if given the chance. She's such a gem ..
Hi! Thanks! I'm a bit less confused.
What I think I'm understanding is she could have been mated by a Cottontail and is / was pregnant --- and that is why she quit coming back to her regular pen and started to make a 'den'.
BUT, the embryos will die / died in utero at some stage.

Is that dangerous for her?
Would she just miscarry and be done or does she need medical attention?
If there is no chance she delivered / is going to deliver, I can move her back to her pen and not worry (about babies in the tunnel).
I appreciate the information, even if it is contradicting.

edit:I don't understand the reference to Edward and Bella?
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