Can anyone identify this moth


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 16, 2008
Berkeley Springs, WV
We found this thing on our front deck. Don't know what the heck it is . . . friend or foe . . . but it sure was cool looking. Does anyone have any opinions? Our place is in the Panhandle of West Virginia, near Berkeley Springs.


I knew you all would know what it is!! Geez . . . I love this web site! Yes, it's really this big. My mom actually spotted it over the weekend. Incredibly cool looking. And thanks for that bug website. I'll post pictures there, and see what people have to say.
My Grandmother told me whenever you see this moth ,you are being blessed by Jesus, She called it a prayer moth,She would always tell us that because if you look at the moth [where i outlined in white] It looks like Jesus at the last supper/or welcoming you to pray with him ,so now when I see them I think of her!!!

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