Can anyone *please* give advice/help? Injured wild turkey šŸ˜¢


5 Years
Jan 17, 2016
I witnessed a car drive directly through a group of wild turkey on the road on my way to my parents who live in rurally (Who would do that? Ugh).
One poor turkey was hit, either itā€™s leg or foot. I pulled over as it couldnā€™t move, just sat down. I couldnā€™t leave it there so i brought it home. We have chickens so Iā€™m quite familiar with poultry. The turkey was naturally very shocked.
We put it in a warm dry shed, kept it wrapped and left it alone. I left water near to it. We did a lot of reading and I phoned around.
No obvious injuries, bleeding, swelling, heat or protruding bone.
It was alive the next morning so we offered apple, corn, black sunflower seed and meal worms. Didnā€™t eat but is drinking well.
Survived the second night. Uncovered it today and checked both legs. Again no obvious injury but doesnā€™t want to move. Is eating a little now and looking a bit brighter.

I desperately would love to see this amazing bird reunited with its family and survive this ordeal.
Please any advice?? It is a bit shaky so thought it is well padded with straw Iā€™ve put a blanket over it. If the turkey decides to get up the blanket is in no more restricting itā€™s ability to move.

Is there anything else at all I can do to help this poor thing??
Iā€™ve read that they do have quite miraculous healing powers and if they survive 3 days itā€™s looking more promising.

Im just heartbroken that anyone could mow through a group of wild turkeys on the road and not even slow down. Appalling.

Id so deeply appreciate any advice, thoughts or wisdom.

I witnessed a car drive directly through a group of wild turkey on the road on my way to my parents who live in rurally (Who would do that? Ugh).
One poor turkey was hit, either itā€™s leg or foot. I pulled over as it couldnā€™t move, just sat down. I couldnā€™t leave it there so i brought it home. We have chickens so Iā€™m quite familiar with poultry. The turkey was naturally very shocked.
We put it in a warm dry shed, kept it wrapped and left it alone. I left water near to it. We did a lot of reading and I phoned around.
No obvious injuries, bleeding, swelling, heat or protruding bone.
It was alive the next morning so we offered apple, corn, black sunflower seed and meal worms. Didnā€™t eat but is drinking well.
Survived the second night. Uncovered it today and checked both legs. Again no obvious injury but doesnā€™t want to move. Is eating a little now and looking a bit brighter.

I desperately would love to see this amazing bird reunited with its family and survive this ordeal.
Please any advice?? It is a bit shaky so thought it is well padded with straw Iā€™ve put a blanket over it. If the turkey decides to get up the blanket is in no more restricting itā€™s ability to move.

Is there anything else at all I can do to help this poor thing??
Iā€™ve read that they do have quite miraculous healing powers and if they survive 3 days itā€™s looking more promising.

Im just heartbroken that anyone could mow through a group of wild turkeys on the road and not even slow down. Appalling.

Id so deeply appreciate any advice, thoughts or wisdom.

Thats so sad! thank you for taking time to do this and write this article.
try to avoid as much contact as possible, it is sad, because you want it to not be afraid of you, but you will not be able to release it if you do contact it to much, which would be much worse. Do you remember the same area the turkies were at? Maybe you could put him back there (when he heals of course) in the same general area, though of course not by the road! Usually they tend to stay around the same area. Im not amazing with turkies, mainly chickens and ducks, so i cant give huge advice for you, what your doing seems to be right, try taking it to a vet or something or seek professional help with the turky, i hope i could help and i wish you and the baby the best of luck! :love
I witnessed a car drive directly through a group of wild turkey on the road on my way to my parents who live in rurally (Who would do that? Ugh).
One poor turkey was hit, either itā€™s leg or foot. I pulled over as it couldnā€™t move, just sat down. I couldnā€™t leave it there so i brought it home. We have chickens so Iā€™m quite familiar with poultry. The turkey was naturally very shocked.
We put it in a warm dry shed, kept it wrapped and left it alone. I left water near to it. We did a lot of reading and I phoned around.
No obvious injuries, bleeding, swelling, heat or protruding bone.
It was alive the next morning so we offered apple, corn, black sunflower seed and meal worms. Didnā€™t eat but is drinking well.
Survived the second night. Uncovered it today and checked both legs. Again no obvious injury but doesnā€™t want to move. Is eating a little now and looking a bit brighter.

I desperately would love to see this amazing bird reunited with its family and survive this ordeal.
Please any advice?? It is a bit shaky so thought it is well padded with straw Iā€™ve put a blanket over it. If the turkey decides to get up the blanket is in no more restricting itā€™s ability to move.

Is there anything else at all I can do to help this poor thing??
Iā€™ve read that they do have quite miraculous healing powers and if they survive 3 days itā€™s looking more promising.

Im just heartbroken that anyone could mow through a group of wild turkeys on the road and not even slow down. Appalling.

Id so deeply appreciate any advice, thoughts or wisdom.

Contact your local game warden or DNR agent and turn the turkey over to them.

You are in the illegal possession of a wild turkey.
Contact your local game warden or DNR agent and turn the turkey over to them.

You are in the illegal possession of a wild turkey.
Donā€™t be ridiculous!

I am a wildlife rescuer for a local organisation. I contacted them first/immediately. I am absolutely 100% ok to try and attempt to rehabilitate this poor bird. It is not suffering.
The wild turkeys only live approx 2 kilometres from my parents house, and if this turkey regains itā€™s strength itā€™ll go back to its family.

I am not breaking any law. The only law broken was some imbecile thinking it was ok to plough through a flock of beautiful turkeys crossing the road.
Thats so sad! thank you for taking time to do this and write this article.
try to avoid as much contact as possible, it is sad, because you want it to not be afraid of you, but you will not be able to release it if you do contact it to much, which would be much worse. Do you remember the same area the turkies were at? Maybe you could put him back there (when he heals of course) in the same general area, though of course not by the road! Usually they tend to stay around the same area. Im not amazing with turkies, mainly chickens and ducks, so i cant give huge advice for you, what your doing seems to be right, try taking it to a vet or something or seek professional help with the turky, i hope i could help and i wish you and the baby the best of luck! :love
Thank you for your lovely and supportive reply.

I am keeping contact to a minimum and as it is gaining strength, eating and looking better each day my hope is that as soon as it is mobile I will return it to its family.
Luckily this group of wild turkeys only live about 2 kilometres from my parents house. It will be easy to locate them and safely return this beautiful bird to its family (away from the road!).

Thank you again for your kind reply.

Most likely has an internal injury.
Thank you.
Doesnā€™t appear to have any internal injury. I witnessed the whole ordeal and the car tyre hit/ran over its foot/lower leg. But again no obvious injury.
It is eating and drinking.

If it were at all apparent that this animal was suffering, weā€™re farmers and weā€™d humanely euthanise it.

Thank you for your lovely and supportive reply.

I am keeping contact to a minimum and as it is gaining strength, eating and looking better each day my hope is that as soon as it is mobile I will return it to its family.
Luckily this group of wild turkeys only live about 2 kilometres from my parents house. It will be easy to locate them and safely return this beautiful bird to its family (away from the road!).

Thank you again for your kind reply.

Im sure it will get back on its feet in no time! You seem like your providing awesome care. I love that about turkies, they usually stay very near and dont wander off to far, it should be easy to realise him!
im glad i could help a bit, :) Good luck!

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