Can chickens eat chia?


Free Ranging
Oct 18, 2019
Random question: I have this huge amount of chia seeds that no one in my house seems to want to eat, so I was wondering, can I safely feed them in some form to my chickens? Maybe sprout them? If so, how do I do that? Thoughts/experiences?
It'll add some Omega 3s (ALA) to the eggs.
If you feed crumbles or a whole grain feed, mix in a pound of chia to 50 lbs of feed, or if you give Scratch Grains as a treat, mix in a pound to a 25 lb bag. GC
Will they still eat chia if it gets wet and makes the jelly?
They probably still will right?
Im going to have to try it now just to find out. :)
Are chia seeds actually what's in jelly? I never knew this...until today. What does this say about my education? My grandmother? My cooking skills? Mind = blown. I even found a Golden Girl chia pet who mirrors my emotion. Anyway, I don't think my chickens deserve all that tasty jelly.
I just know chia seeds make a "jelly" when they get wet, feels absolutely awful to touch sort of like frogs eggs.
I think it is more akin to a mucilage maybe?
Question answered though, yes after a few cautious bites they will eat the wet chia seeds.:)
Nice chia pet BTW, iv'e always been fond of Sophia
Are chia seeds actually what's in jelly? I never knew this...until today. What does this say about my education? My grandmother? My cooking skills? Mind = blown. I even found a Golden Girl chia pet who mirrors my emotion. Anyway, I don't think my chickens deserve all that tasty jelly.
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