Can Chickens Eat These Carbs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
I was wondering if chickens can eat Steal Cut Oatmeal, Flax Seeds, and organic granola. If they can eat Flax Seed, what kind of nutrition does it provide for them.
I'm not sure about flax or granola, but I've been feeding mine steel-cut oatmeal for a while now.

I bought a full pound never having tried any, and discovered that I didn't care for it. Oh well, that's what the chickens are for! I give them a little handful every few days as a treat, or to lure them out of the coop so that I can go in and fill their feeder.
They can. Flaxseed provides good omega fatty acids. Too much though will give eggs a fishy taste so don't overfeed. You also want to make sure your chickens are still eating enough of a balanced poultry feed to make sure they get everything they need.

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